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How is the treatment of adenoma of the breast?

Adenoma of the breast is a benign tumor, which is formed of fibrous and glandular breast tissue. This disease occurs in women of different ages. Most often adenoma develops in the age group of 15-35 years, but it can occur in pregnant women and in women during menopause and menopause.

Classification of adenomas

There are several types of adenomas of the mammary gland. The most common of these is fibro adenoma of the breast. Conventional adenoma consists of glandular tissue and fibroadenoma composition also includes fibrous or connective tissue.

You may also experience these rare types of adenomas of the breast:

  • adenoma molochnoj zhelezyadenoma of the nipple is characterized by localization in the ducts of the nipple and areola area; when this occurs, discharge from the nipple, which is covered with a crust; this tumor is regarded as a precancerous condition;
  • tubular adenoma of the breast is education not more than 1 cm in diameter, which consists of tightly adjacent to each other of the tubes;
  • lactating adenoma of the breast causes changes reminiscent of changes in lactation or pregnant women;
  • pleomorphic adenoma of the breast is similar to adenoma of the salivary glands;
  • apocrine adenoma is a tubular adenoma, in which there is the similarity of the tissues of the ducts with apocrine cells;
  • Doctrina adenoma of the breast is a rare form of the disease in which there is the extension duct; the structure resembles a tubular adenoma.


Adenoma may occur in one breast or both at the same time. Education may be single or multiple. Adenoma of the breast gland, if it is isolated, it is not a significant threat, as plural formation in the breast. A large number of adenomas in the mammary glands increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Reliable causes of enlarged Breasts is unknown. There are only assumptions, that the formation of the adenoma caused by the female hormone estrogen. It was noted that there are often adenoma of the mammary gland in the period of active hormonal fluctuations in a woman's body. Hormone levels changes during pregnancy, during the menstrual cycle and in menopausal period.

Symptoms of pathology

Adenoma of the breast can be detected by a woman on my own. If a woman regularly conducts palpation of the breast, can detect a small seal, shaped as a smooth round bead. The dimensions of this seal from 1 to 5 centimeters. In advanced cases the patient develops adenoma to large (to 15 cm).

Adenoma can scare a woman. However, there are symptoms of adenoma of the breast, which can distinguish benign from malignant. Adenoma is a moving education, while a malignant tumor sedentary. Adenoma has a soft structure and smooth surface. It seems softer to the touch, especially during menstruation. Palpation may cause pain. The rest of the time discomfort or pain adenoma a woman does not deliver.


After identifying the formation in the breast, the woman must consult a doctor. It is also important to undergo regular preventive examinations.

In order to identify the adenoma or adenomas, which may be many, one palpation is not enough. The patient is sent to mamogram and ultrasound. The mammogram allows you to define the appearance of education, which may look like a cyst or a tumor.

For the differential diagnosis of education recommended a biopsy. Only after the results of thatresearch diagnosis with confidence. However, instead of biopsy can be used magnetic resonance imaging, which can help to differentiate education. After accurate diagnosis treatment of adenoma of the breast.


Treatment of the fibrous adenoma breast size up to 2 cm can be postponed with the condition of constant surveillance. Adenoma often resolve on their own, especially during menopause. However, if there is no improvement, in need of treatment.

hirurgicheskoe lechenieTreatment of adenoma of the breast can be conservative or surgical. There are certain indications for surgical treatment. These include:

  • the large size of the tumor;
  • the fast growth of education;
  • suspected malignancy or possibility of rebirth.

The prostate can be done in several ways:

  • enucleation (small incision under local anesthesia);
  • resection (removal along with surrounding tissue; used in cases of suspected malignancy);
  • cryoablation (freezing of tissue);
  • laser ablation (removal with laser).

Treatment of folk remedies adenoma of the breast may be conducted only with the permission of the attending physician.