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A blood test for cancer. Details about important!

A blood test for cancer in many cases can save you from serious complications. The fact that even in the early stages of tumor development it often happens that the blood has some deviations from the norm. This can be a Wake-up call that should undergo a more complete examination.

General blood test for cancer

What to pay attention?

  • The number and qualitative composition of leukocytes
  • ESR,
  • The level of hemoglobin.

krovBlood counts for cancer will differ from normal values. White blood cell count is usually elevated. A particularly disturbing feature is the increase in the number of white blood cells due to their young forms. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is above the normal indicators. Besides, it falls on the background of anti-inflammatory treatment. But the level of hemoglobin in Oncology Vice versa reduced. Of course, this can be other reasons. However, if a person is fully nourished, leads a normal life in the recent history has no cases of blood loss, the decrease in hemoglobin is alarming.

Do not panic, because variations in the composition of the blood, this does not mean the worst. Clinical blood test for cancer may be similar to the analysis in some other diseases. Therefore, more research is needed. The most simple and informative investigation for suspected cancer is biochemical analysis of blood.

Giving the biochemical analysis of blood in Oncology?

In the biochemical analysis in cases of suspected tumor, the physician will primarily be interested in identifying tumor markers. What are tumor markers? Proteins and antigens produced by cancer cells. Identification of tumor markers will allow to Orient quickly in a situation. Further, it may be necessary to do other tests for Oncology, such as ultrasound, biopsy.

This blood test for cancer determines the level of proteins and antigens. However, the normal level is for everybody, therefore it is necessary to follow the dynamics, that is changes their number in a certain period of time. It means to submit to a blood cancer, and to do biochemical analysis have several times.

What's biochemistry?

  • The location of the tumor,
  • The stage of tumor development,
  • The size of
  • Possible reactions.

It is proved that the tumor secretes a specific antigens depending on what organ it is located. The rate of increase of the number of antigens in the blood may suggest the rate of tumor development, that is, gives you the opportunity to make a prediction. In many cases, identification of tumor markers allows you to win from six months to 9 months and this is the period during which only originated the tumor may reach the third and then the fourth stage.

The types of tumor markers

  • DOG. This enzyme is produced during the functioning of the prostate. With age, the level of the enzyme PSA is gradually increased, however, if it reaches 30 units, it indicates the development of prostate cancer. At lower rates will need more and more tests.
  • CA 125. The concentration of the protein increases sharply at 80% of the patients with ovarian cancer or endometrial cancer. For further diagnosis need to do an ultrasound and vaginal examination.
  • CA 15-3 indicates the presence of breast cancer.
  • CA 19-9. This tumor marker appears in the body in cases of tumor development in the gastrointestinal tract. But it is not enough to identify an accurate diagnosis.

Cancer-embryonic antigen (CEA) is concentrated in the body in cancer of the colon, liver, lung, breast and pancreas, uterine cervix, or bladder. But the increase in CEA is not always evidence of cancer. This antigen is elevated in smokersor alcoholics with liver cirrhosis. For further diagnosis need to do an MRI.
There are some tumor markers, create new ones, which help to identify other forms of cancer. However, the analysis could take as a preventive measure, yet is underutilized.

What tests in Oncology?

  • General clinical analysis of blood.
  • Biochemical analysis blood analysis for tumor markers).

If the blood counts in these tests are normal or have minor changes, caused by inflammatory or chronic diseases, you can sleep peacefully. If any indicators are alarming, there is a likelihood that the tumor has already started its development. So you need to refer to an oncologist, who will prescribe all the necessary tests, put an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.