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Diagnostic methods of Oncology

lechenie onkologii Cancer treatment remains relevant because despite the development of medicine, the number of cancer patients has been steadily increasing. Although the only reliable means of cancer yet, still chances of recovery with early stages of cancer. However, to identify the tumor in the beginning of its development is not always possible, although we have many opportunities available to most ordinary people. This occurs when we do not attach importance to the deterioration of health and changes in the body.

How to determine cancer? First, you need to pay attention to some signals, and secondly, to conduct a series of studies that will help identify the problem.

The success of cancer treatment

lecheniya onkologicheskih zabolevanijThe sooner the disease is detected, the more successful will be his treatment is a General principle which applies to Oncology. If you start treatment at stage 1, the tumor had not yet invaded the surrounding tissue, the chances of recovery are 90-100%. 2 stage, they constitute 70-80%, as the cancer had already can grow into healthy tissue and begins to form metastases.

Stage 3 cancer cells have spread to distant from the primary tumor bodies, and only 30-35% of patients have the chances of recovery. In addition, for the treatment she needs expensive drugs, which often have to spend their own money. Oncology 4 degrees means multiple metastases, a possible decomposition of the tumor, poisoning organism products of its activity, cachexia. At this stage, as a rule, doctors do not Express any assumptions about the percentage of recovery, although the cure is known.

Of course, the above numbers are averages. When different cancer types, they can vary greatly. For example, cancer of the thyroid gland can be successfully treated even in stage 3, and liver cancer in most cases is the sentence.

You should pay attention to?

Signals that should alert a lot. The body gradually responds to the formation of a tumor, and changes happen slowly but steadily. Due to the presence of a tumor, pressure (even very small) on the nerves or blood vessels may be felt uncomfortable, to disrupt the activities of some authorities, to change the General condition of the body.

Symptoms that you need to contact the doctor:

  • kashelPoorly healing skin wounds or ulcers
  • Unusual discharge,
  • Seal on the body,
  • Deterioration of the digestive
  • Prolonged unexplained cough,
  • Noticeable change the number, color, size or shape of moles or warts
  • Frequent infectious diseases,
  • Unexplained fever,
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss,
  • Swelling, intractable elimination,
  • A marked deterioration of the General condition for no apparent reason.

Some symptoms common to many types of cancer, for example, swelling of the legs can be in Oncology of the liver, kidney, cervical, digestive system. Other symptoms more characteristic of a specific localization of the disease. So, the first symptoms of cancer of the stomach can be a feeling of heaviness, changing tastes, and printology throat discomfort when swallowing. Not always changes in certain bodies talking about problems in them. For example, the increased pigmentation is not necessarily an indicator of cancer of the skin.

Very often cancer is found in people who have a history of any chronic, long flowing disease. As a result of her immune system depleted and can happen mutation, which appear atypical cells forminga malignant tumor. Their identification becomes one of the important stages of diagnosis.

Attention to his condition and its changes in many cases can save a person from further development of the terrible disease.

Cancer diagnosis

fluorografiyaThe symptoms described earlier are the reason for the survey, which can be detected the tumor. The final diagnosis of cancer is made only after biopsy tissue detected tumors.

For diagnosis and detection of tumors of different localization methods are different. For example, all known and familiar fluoroscopy allows to identify a tumor located in the lungs. For the detection of cancer of the prostate is transrectal ultrasound, blood tests for tumor markers. This specific proteins produced by cells of malignant tumors. Analysis for tumor markers it is possible to pre-diagnose cancer of the pancreas, breast, ovaries, intestines, liver.

If you suspect a cancer of the brain is carried out neurological examination, check vision and eye health, check hearing, vestibular apparatus. To diagnose brain function is the electroencephalogram (EEG), for visualization of magnetic resonance imaging.

Magnetic resonance imaging can also help detect cancer of the bones and spine. On pictures the swelling is well marked. It is even possible to pre-assume it is benign or malignant. Benign tumors usually have clear boundaries and do not penetrate into the surrounding tissue. Cancer tumors grow into surrounding tissue and do not have clear boundaries.

Diagnosis of cancer in children

While the timely diagnosis of cancer in children remains problematic.

Reasons for delayed diagnosis in children:

  • mrtA small number of precancerous diseases that make you wary
  • A large number of diseases is very similar to the symptoms of cancer,
  • The lack of attention from parents and pediatricians.

In General, diagnostic methods are the same as in adults:

  • A blood test for tumor markers,
  • Ultrasound
  • MRI
  • Biopsy.

From early diagnosis to the fullest extent depends on the outcome of treatment. In the early stages succeed a lot, including a full recovery. For the timely diagnosis need to be mindful of their health, it will be the best prevention of cancer.