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Carcinoma of the gut and its manifestations?

Gut carcinoma is a malignant tumor in the intestine, a serious disease that can cause death of the patient. Self-treatment is prohibited. If you have symptoms of cancer should immediately seek the assistance of a gastroenterologist and an oncologist.

Risk factors

There are certain risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease. These include:

  • karcinoma kishkovthe consumption of foods that contain high in animal fat and at the same time, the lack of food with adequate content of dietary fiber;
  • polyps in the intestines or a disease such as ulcerative colitis, increase the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • the presence of other cancers that can metastasize to the intestine;
  • weak bones, poorly developed neck and chest;
  • after 40 years the probability of occurrence of carcinoma of the rectum or colon increases.

Signs of the disease

Carcinoma of the intestine is accompanied by certain symptoms, of which there are a great many. It depends on the type of colon cancer, they differ in the types of cells that formed. Also of great importance is the nature of tumor growth and its direction, the tendency of education to metastasize. The main manifestations of the disease depend on tumor location in the intestine.

In the early stages, bowel cancer may be asymptomatic or have subtle manifestations. These include the following symptoms:

  • poterya appetita i vesaSome changes in bowel movements.
  • The appearance of blood, mucus, pus in the stool.
  • Constant weakness, malaise, fatigue.
  • Loss of appetite and weight.
  • Frequent constipation, which can be replaced with liquid stool.
  • Long periods of no bowel movements.
  • Nausea and vomiting, which may be accompanied by increased body temperature.
  • Pain that occurs in the abdominal wall.
  • Reduced pressure, pallor, sweating.
  • The occurrence of anemia.
  • Sudden change in tastes.

This is a common symptoms of carcinoma of the intestine. There are still signs of the disease, which arise depending on the localization of the tumor.

The symptoms of carcinoma of the small intestine

The localization of the original tumor in the small intestine has a characteristic set of features. This is a fairly rare disease, however, such a diagnosis is found. Cancer of the small intestine is characterized by such symptoms:

  • toshnota rvotaintestinal bleeding;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • pain and spasserovannye intestines;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • intestinal obstruction that occurs in the later stages of the disease.

In addition, in the later stages there is a compression of the organs, which can cause development of many serious complications, such as inflammation of the peritoneum, liver, jaundice, ascites etc.

The symptoms of carcinoma of the large intestine

Colon carcinoma is characterized by similar symptoms, but there are some differences. The symptoms of carcinoma of the colon with the following:

  • bolevye oshusheniya v zhivotepain in the stomach can wear dull, aching in nature, they can be quite long;
  • the presence of blood in stool that looks like veins;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss of the patient;
  • General weakness, apathetic condition;
  • body temperature may be slightly elevated;
  • enhanced peristalsis, the occurrence of bloating;
  • the presence of pus in the feces andmucus.

With the progression of tumors occur intestinal obstruction, and jaundice. It can also happen that a movable seal prosypaetsja in the patient's abdomen.

Diagnosis of the disease

The disease diagnosis is made by experienced professionals with the help of laboratory tests. For this assigned clinical blood tests, hormone her research. Also performed blood analysis of urine. For accurate diagnosis of the disease used such methods of examination as computer tomography, x-ray examination and endoscopy intestine, large intestine and rectum. In addition, can be used scintigraphy with octreotide.


The treatment of carcinoma of the sigmoid colon, and other parts of the intestine, is carried out in several ways. As a treatment using various methods. It may be the following:

  • hirurgicheskij metod lecheniya surgical treatment method;
  • radiation therapy;
  • medication;
  • chemotherapy;
  • herbalism.

For best effect apply complex therapy, which combines several methods of treatment. While surgical treatment is removal of the formations. Drug therapy is used in the form of medication against diarrhea and antagonists of serotonin as needed.

Prevention of the disease

In addition, great importance is the prevention of disease. As complications may occur with short gut syndrome, as well as, the main danger of colon cancer is a possible metastatic lesions of other organs.

Nutrition in carcinoma of the intestine is a necessary means of preventing disease. It is important to exclude from the use of products that contain serotonin (milk, butter, sour cream, bananas, nuts, pineapples). Should reduce salt intake. As your diet is recommended to drink yogurt, whey, fresh juices. Also required categorical rejection of Smoking and drinking alcohol.


Projections in carcinoma of the rectum and colon directly dependent on the stage of colon cancer, depth of germination of the primary tumor and presence of metastases. Relapses with stenosing carcinoma of the colon usually occur in the first five years after surgical treatment. If recurrences during this time were not observed, then the patient can be considered recovered.