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The symptoms of leukemia

One of the oncological diseases blood leukemia. When leukemia develops the diseased white blood cells. They gradually accumulate in the blood and in the bone marrow. These cells are not able to function as normal blood cells, for this reason develop symptoms of leukemia.

Onset of the disease

Most often the problems grow gradually, so often the patient and his doctor did not notice how leukemia begins. Initially may be vague complaints of fatigue, pain in bones and joints. People often suffer from colds. Changes in behavior: loss of interest in games, studying can be signs of leukemia in children.

Because the symptoms are non-specific, no suspicion of cancer arises. Treatment of infections is usual, but it does not produce tangible results. Further division of abnormal cells of the blood leads to deterioration and to the appearance of new symptoms.

The symptoms of chronic leukemia

  • Malaise that is not associated with either physical or mental activity,
  • Irritability,
  • Dizziness,
  • Prolonged infection
  • Bleeding, bruising, bleeding gums,
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • Increase or temperature spikes,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Increasing the sensitivity of liver, spleen,
  • Sweating, especially at night,
  • Pain in joints and bones
  • Inflammation of the sclera of the eyes,
  • Pale skin,
  • Nausea.

Symptoms of acute leukemia

osmotrFor acute forms of the disease are characterized by the same symptoms as chronic. However, more can be pronounced hemorrhagic syndrome, cardiovascular disorder and Central nervous system.

One of the most prominent symptoms of acute leukemia hemorrhagic syndrome. Due to changes in the blood occur bleeding in the skin. Can form as small red spots (petechiae). Nosebleeds, bleeding gums, gastrointestinal bleeding and even bleeding in the brain that is fraught with risks of acute leukemia.

There have been heart problems

  • The expansion of borders of heart,
  • The deafness of tones,
  • Tachycardia.

Due to metastasis of cells in the nervous tissue of developing CNS leukemia, accompanied with nausea, headaches, pain in the spine.

Types of leukemia

Lymphoblastic leukemia

In this type of disease are affected by cells that form lymphatic tissue. Symptoms of lymphoblastic leukemia in the acute form is more common in younger children. Chronic lymphoblastic leukemia is much more common in adults. It is characterized by proliferation of lymphoid tissue, a significantly increased number of lymphocytes and leukocytes. Swollen lymph nodes can cause compression of trachea and major blood vessels. Because of this, disturbed breathing, cough, shortness of breath. The number of erythrocytes, platelets, falls.

Myeloid leukemia

In this case, suffer from myeloid cells. Are the cells involved in the creation of red blood cells, platelets, and leukocytes. The acute form occurs with equal frequency in children and adults. Chronic myeloid leukemia is rare in children. And symptoms of leukemia in adults in this case may not appear for several months or even years, so slow the destructive processes in the body. At a certain stage of the leukemic cells begin to multiply much faster and the disease is rapidly progressing.

How to detect leukemia?

u vrachaTo identify the disease often fails at the usual address to the doctor. A simple blood test may give rise to serious suspicion. The fall of hemoglobin, a decrease in the number of platelets and an increase in the number of white blood cells requireattention to this patient. If for several of the tests revealed an abnormal pattern of blood, that can be a preliminary diagnosis of leukemia. Finally we can talk about the diagnosis after a bone marrow biopsy.

Possible prevention of leukemia?

For prevention mostly need to regularly visit the doctor. Do not ignore medical examination or preventive examination. This is a good chance of early diagnostics of leukemia via a blood test.

In addition, the researchers found that some flavonoids inhibit the development of leukemia cells. Such substances in large quantities contained in parsley and celery, eating regularly food people reduces the risk of disease.