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The symptoms of metastases in the ribs

The cancer threat is not only great speed its growth, but the rapid spread of child tumors, called metastases. Started in any organ malignancy may spread to any other organ or system. The proliferation of malignant cells occurs through the blood, lymph or mixed way.

Types of bone metastases

As in bones throughout life is the process of formation of bone tissue (which is the responsibility cells osteoblasts) and resorption (which is the responsibility of the osteoclasts cells), then the risk of getting malignant cells in the bone marrow through the blood. While the malignant cells disrupt the normal process of reproduction or resorption of bone tissue.

When malfunction appear osteoclasts osteolytic metastases, provoking a thinning of the bones. Malfunction of osteoblasts induces the proliferation of bone tissue.


silnaya bolMetastases in bone tissues are very often asymptomatic at the initial stage. In the later stages metastases deliver a lot of unpleasant feelings, manifested by numbness of the limbs, fractures even at low load, a violation of hematopoiesis, hypercalcemia (which is manifested by thirst, nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, etc. the First symptoms of metastases in the ribs and other bones is severe pain and, as a consequence, the limitation of mobility.

Metastases most often appear in well-vascularized bones (i.e., those that are supplied with numerous blood vessels). Such bones include the pelvis, femur, ribs, skull, spine.

The primary foci of metastases in the bone

rentgenologicheskoe issledovanieMetastases in the chest can be formed in the scapula, clavicle, sternum or ribs. The metastases in the sternum are characteristic for thyroid cancer. Also often metastasize to bone cancers of the breast, cervix, prostate, lungs, kidneys, liver, ovaries, esophagus, rectum.

For the detection of bone metastases performed scintigraphy of the skeleton. This method of diagnostics allows to detect any metastasis in the bones of the skeleton even at a very early stage, allowing timely initiation of treatment and increase the chances of recovery. In the early diagnosis of bone metastases helps and computed tomography (especially with metastasis to the spine).

X-ray examination in the early stages of the metastatic process is uninformative. In an x-ray can confirm the presence of a Mature metastasis, triggered the destruction of about 50% bone.


Treatment of metastases in the bone is made by:

  • antineoplastic drug therapy;
  • radiation therapy;
  • surgery;
  • cementoplasty.

analgetikiTo reduce the intensity of pain used analgesics: can be used as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and narcotic drugs. Good effect in the treatment of osteolytic metastases give bisphophonates. The use of these drugs prevent fractures, reduce pain and reduces the risk of hypercalcaemia. Bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclasts stimulation of malignant cells, other tissues and organs are not affected. Bisphosphonates do not cause side effects, do not exacerbate the toxicity of chemotherapy and can be used in conjunction with radiation therapy.

In the treatment of bone metastases radiation therapy is used (it is used for medicinal purposes, and in palliative care to reduce pain).Analgesic effect can be achieved already after a few fractions of radiation. If the tumor is sensitive to drugs, can be used chemotherapy. For the treatment of metastases in patients with endometrial cancer, breast cancer or prostate cancer use hormone therapy.

Surgical treatment is used for metastatic lesions of the tubular bones of the spine or for the prevention of fractures or their treatment. Surgical intervention in the treatment of bone metastases are divided into decompression operations, and decompression-stabilizing operations.

Cementoplasty used to prevent pathological fractures in the affected area of bone is introduced through the injection needle and she injected a special solution that hardens after a few minutes (this reduces the risk of fractures). Cancer cells are not destroyed. In recent years for the treatment of the purpose of palliative treatment is based on systemic radionuclide therapy.

Detection of bone metastases in the early stages can prevent the development of such complications as fractures, as well as to maintain the normal state of health.