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The size of the uterine fibroids on the type of tumor

Gynecological diseases constitute a large group of pathological processes developing in the pelvic organs. Special attention is given to oncological diseases, which have different etiology, localization and course. Common pathological process is considered to be uterine fibroids, which are benign tumors of the myometrium, and characterized by the formation of nodes of different sizes in the uterine musculature.

mioma matki Uterine cancer is a disease in which nodules develop in the muscle and soedinennyh tissues. In gynecology the disease called fibroids, leiomyoma or fibroma. According to who statistics, uterine fibroids occurs in 20% of women of reproductive age, rarely in age from 50 years. The size of fibroids can vary from very small and multiple, to large, reaching three or more pounds. The tumor development occurs in hypothalamo-pituitary area with the increased amount of estrogen secreted by the ovaries.

In gynecological practice the size of uterine fibroids is considered to be in weeks, also depending on myomatous node localization there are several types of disease.

Varieties of uterine fibroids

Depending on the lesion, can distinguish the following classification of the disease:

1. Subserous fibroids develops in the outer part of the uterus, the progression of growing into the cavity of the pelvis. The clinical picture pronounced when uterine fibroids are big in size, then the woman feels discomfort, pain underbelly.

2. Intramural myoma develops in the middle muscle layers of the uterus. This tumor can remain within the walls of the myometrium, to grow inside the uterus or to the side of the abdominal wall.

3. Submucous fibroids – it is shown under a thin layer of the endometrium. Very rare in women, but if present, does not allow a woman to get pregnant. The resulting nodes have a variety of shapes and are localized in the body of the uterus.

The reasons for the development of uterine fibroids

Despite the achievement in modern gynecology and Oncology, the exact causes of the disease are not fully understood. Based on the practice of doctors and research scientists has identified a few main causes and predisposing factors to the development of this disease. The basis of epidemiology are the following factors provoke the development of fibroids:

  • genetic predisposition to disease;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • abortion;
  • excessive amounts of estrogen and progesterone deficiency;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • the acceptance of intrauterine contraceptive devices;
  • the metabolic disturbance, neurological disorders;
  • lack of regular sexual relations.

Fibroids able to progress and grow in size until the termination of the woman's menstrual cycle, after which they regress. Uterine fibroids of small sizes is able to prevent conception, or to increase during pregnancy, so doctors strongly recommend that when planning a pregnancy to remove nodes that are able to provoke various complications such as bleeding or miscarriage.

The clinical picture in uterine fibroids

Usually the symptoms if uterine fibroids are poorly expressed, sometimes a woman can a few years do not suspect about the disease, and only during the period of routine inspection, or with the growth of education, diagnosed disease. But given the nature of the woman's body, age, tumor localization, size, comorbidities, the clinical picture can beat the strong and to deliver a large amount of discomfort. When uterine fibroids common symptoms:

  • Heavy menstrualbleeding;
  • The menstrual cycle;
  • Violation of the chair;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, which may be given in the abdominal cavity, across, the anal canal and other organs. The nature of pain depends on the location of the tumor classification. Usually uterine fibroids of small size does not cause permanent pain, and only when necrosis, inflammation or compression of other organs, you experience persistent or recurrent pain;
  • frequent or difficult urination.

Intensive growth of fibroids can cause heavy bleeding, which can lead to the development of anemia and other disorders in the body. All of the above symptoms can occur with other gynecological diseases, so diagnosing the disease can only be a doctor after the results of the survey.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

To diagnose uterine fibroids is possible by gynecological examination, when a node reaches a large size, also the doctor may prescribe a number of laboratory and diagnostic tests:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • hysterography or hysteroscopy;
  • Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);

These methods of survey are considered to be most informative and help to identify benign fibroids from the earliest stages. Timely diagnosis of uterine fibroids helps to hold the treatment, and to maintain the functionality of the reproductive system in women.

The treatment of uterine fibroids

The treatment of uterine fibroids depends on the size of the tumor, severity of symptoms, age. There are two main methods of treatment of uterine fibroids: conservative and surgical. Treatment of uterine myoma of the small sizes with no symptoms is regular supervision of a physician without medical or surgical treatment. Very small tumors often go away on their own without outside interference.

Conservative treatment of uterine fibroids:

lechenie miomy matkiDrug treatment can prevent the growth of fibroids, to preserve the functionality of the reproductive system. Conservative treatment is carried out at small or small size of the fibroids, when the tumor does not exceed 12 weeks. Usually the doctor prescribes hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, antispasmodic, immune-stimulating therapy. The most effective are the following drugs for the treatment of uterine fibroids: Goserelin, Zoladex, Buserelin, Triptorelin, Gestrinone, reduce the size of uterine fibroids, prevent the development of uterine bleeding, reduce pain. Treatment by hormonal preparations appointed by the doctor individually for each patient.

The patient is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, to normalize sexual relations, eat right, take vitamins, minerals.

Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids:

Surgery for uterine fibroids is assigned to the physician when the tumor size exceeds 12 weeks, with the active growth of fibroids or the symptoms. There are several types of surgical intervention:

  • Laparoscopic myomectomy is performed using a laparoscope, which is introduced into the abdominal cavity through a small incision. This method of surgery allows you to save the uterus and a future with child. Sometimes after laparoscopy occur relapses that require repeated interventions;
  • Embolization of the uterine artery – a method of introducing into the uterine artery of a special substance, which leads to the death of tumor tissues.
  • Removal of the uterus or hysterectomy is a complete removal of the uterus. This operation is performed for women with large size fibroids or suspectmalignant degeneration of the tumor.
  • Remote ablation of fibroids (FUZZ-ablation MRI) procedure is carried out using thermal effects on the fibroids, using ultrasound under the control of MRI. Ultrasound destroys the tumor cells of the tumor.

In addition to the above methods of surgical treatment there are other types of transactions prescribed by the doctor depending on the health status of women, the size of the tumor localization.


Regular visits to the gynecologist and timely treatment of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, the absence of abortion will help a woman to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Delayed treatment of uterine fibroids can lead to infertility, malignancies and other complications that are dangerous to a woman's life.