Home / News / Celandine, Hemlock and potatoes help cancer

Celandine, Hemlock and potatoes help cancer

chistotel, boligolov i kartofelNational doctors say that celandine, Hemlock and potatoes have anti-tumor activity and their decoctions and tinctures are able to block cancer metastasis in the liver.

Celandine considered a leader. A teaspoon of fresh herb infused Cup of boiling water. Recommended to take a tablespoon once a day. Potatoes are for cancer treatment need: dried inflorescences. Per tablespoon of inflorescences take 500 ml of boiling water. For treatment, take half a Cup three times a day. Treatment with celandine and potatoes 21 days with repeated passage after 3 weeks.

To prepare the tincture of Hemlock need the crushed stems. Fill their third three-liter jar to the top, top up with vodka. Insist in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. The treatment starts with one drop in a glass of water daily increase the dosage to 40 drops, and a decrease back to one.

You must take four courses with a break for a week. According to the national medical such therapy is effective, however, scientific and experimental confirmation of this.