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Sweets can cause cancer

fast fudParticularly dangerous contents of refined sugar and sweeteners is in the ketchup and soda. If you eat a lot of these products, the risk of developing cancer increases.

To such conclusion the American scientists. Experiments were carried out during which for the experimental mice was drawn up on a special diet. The basis of food began fast food, sweets, sodas and similar products.

It turned out that the largest number of cancer cells was detected in those rodents in the blood which showed the highest amount of sweetener Sucralose. This figure was higher in those who consumed more ketchup, which a lot of sugar and its substitutes.

Detailed information about the mechanism of the effect of sugar on the body yet, however, scientists recommend to avoid eating foods high in sugar, especially soda and ketchup. Also recognized as a dangerous additive E955, giving a sweet taste.