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To remove a mole?

rodinkiAs we know, moles can degenerate into melanoma. And this is one of the types of skin cancer. Tumor cells begin to divide chaotically and change the appearance of moles. If you notice a mole whose appearance has changed, consult with a specialist.

Especially worry if the mole appeared blotches of black color on this site not see the mesh pattern of the skin and appeared shiny.

Experts say that there are some types of moles, called dysplastic, with a large number of need to remove to prevent. If removal is carried out by professionals, it is no unpleasant consequences will be.

When to worry:

  • If the mole has changed color,
  • If the contours become indistinct and
  • She became so much more
  • It bleeds or itches.

It is also worth to consult a doctor if after sun exposure on the skin appeared stains that are not associated with burns.