Home / Tumor marker / Whether to donate blood for tumor markers: what and when the analysis shows

Whether to donate blood for tumor markers: what and when the analysis shows

sdavat krov na onkomarkeryTo the question "should I donate blood for tumor markers" experts answer unequivocally in the affirmative. The biggest problem in the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of cancer is the timely treatment to the doctor, and detection of cells of a malignant tumor.

The sooner a tumor is discovered, the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome, the less time the tumor grows and forms metastases. Analysis for tumor markers detected by the substances secreted by the tumor. Therefore, with this analysis you can determine the presence of a tumor with smallest size.

Often people do not notice symptoms of incipient disease, suggesting that the case in nervous stress, stress, manifestations of existing diseases. And don't go to the doctor, losing precious time.

What are tumor markers?

The proteins are called tumor markers produced by the tumor. These proteins are very different from normal proteins in the human body. It is important to know that small amounts of tumor markers found in the blood of a healthy person. Therefore, tumor markers are the thresholds above which may indicate the presence of cancer.

Patients interested in the question, is it always accurate tumor markers.

The level of some tumor markers can be elevated in healthy people, for example, the marker level CA-125 is increased during pregnancy, menstruation.

So in preparation for blood donation specialist talks about the terms and conditions that need to be made mandatory. Blood is drawn from the vein, the fence is always made in the morning on an empty stomach.

Increasing the level of certain tumor markers can also occur in benign tumors, inflammatory processes.

If the level of some of the indicators above normal, it is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the presence of cancer. Mandatory additional diagnosis. At the same time, if the body contains cancer cells, the level of relevant tumor markers to be higher than normal.

Why the need for analysis and when it pass?

Analysis for tumor markers is performed in the following cases:

  • There is an assumption of the formation and development of tumors.
  • You need to determine the nature of tumors (benign or malignant).
  • You need to determine the effect of the treatment.
  • Control of the patient after treatment to detect recurrence at an early stage.
  • As a preventive measure.

How often should I take tumor markers depends on the cause analysis. For patients who are undergoing treatment for cancer analysis it is recommended to take 3-4 times a year.

The most common type of tumor in men – prostate cancer, in women cancer of ovaries, breast. Experts recommend that people over the age of 35 to be tested for tumor markers once a year.

There is a suggested list of tumor markers that should take every year:

  • CA-125.
  • CA 15-3.
  • CEA.
  • CA 72-4.
  • CA 19-9.
  • HCG.
  • AFP.
  • CYFRA21-1.

analiz na onkomarkery

The specialist can recommend to test if there are increased risk, that is, in the following cases:

  • Blood relatives have had a malignant tumor.
  • Had received treatment for cancer.
  • There are precancerous lesions (e.g., adenoma of prostate in men).
  • Harmful working conditions.
  • Bad habits (Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption).
  • Rapid weight loss for no reason.
  • Fever, not having apparent reason.
  • Unreasonable increase in the size of lymph nodes.
  • Spotting during menopause.
  • When a missed miscarriage if the hormone levels(prolactin, progesterone) is not decreasing or increasing.

How often to get tested for tumor markers is a healthy person? The decision is made by the man himself. But experts recommend to periodically visit a therapist to pass the necessary examination of the General condition.

On the basis of survey data, complaints of a particular person, if necessary, the doctor will direct on consultation to the oncologist and tests. After 35 years it is necessary to annually donate blood for the determination of tumor markers, regardless of condition.