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Cancer. What does it represent?

A malignant tumor that develops in the tissues of the epithelium, called cancer. It can appear in any organ where there is epithelial tissue. Although almost any cancer is called a malignant tumor.

prichiny rakovoj opuholiOften recorded cancer of the lung, stomach, uterus, breast, intestine. A characteristic feature of the tumor (and the cause of the worst consequences) limitless uncontrolled growth. It occurs due to the rapid division of cancer cells. Originating in any organ, cancer grows into the surrounding tissue, destroying them, the abnormal cells break away from primary tumor through the blood and lymph penetrate into any other organs. So there are metastases that may be located quite far from the main tumor.

Identify the types of cancers depending on what organ has emerged the primary focus. Metastases also belong to the same species of tumor that is primary, despite the fact that quite located in other organs. Because metastasis is the particles of the first tumor, the cells retain the primary structure and features.

Causes cancer

The main reason for damage to the structure of DNA. It occurs due to exposure of carcinogens. However, in the human body by nature provides recovery mechanisms that counteract the destruction. But, unfortunately, these forces do not always do their job. Sometimes hereditary factors they weaken, sometimes the immune system crashes due to other diseases, nervous and physical overload, malnutrition, or so-called bad habits.

How is malignant tumor?

simptomy-rakaThe symptoms of cancer can be divided into two parts: General and specific. Common symptoms those that are characteristic of all cancers and are associated with General toxic and destructive effect on the body of any tumors. These symptoms manifest at the later stages of the disease. Especially strongly she feels worse when there is a decay of cancer. The body is poisoned by products of its activity, has sustained a fracture due to its germination in the tissue is exposed to additional toxic effects of decomposition products.

Among the common symptoms of cancer:

  • Lethargy, apathy,
  • Fatigue,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Weight loss,
  • Pallor, cyanosis or yellowing of the skin, dry mucous membranes,
  • Tenderness in muscles, joints,
  • The lower resistance to infections
  • Fever which lasts for a long time.

Specific symptoms associated with the localization of the tumor and characteristics of the organism. For cancer of the uterus is disturbed reproductive function, frequent bleeding, even in the initial stages. For bowel cancer disturbed digestion and excretion of waste products from the body. When a cancerous tumor of the brain human functions: speech, hearing, coordination of movements.

What is cancer?

Looks like a cancerous tumor? This accumulation of cells, which gradually increased, "biting" into the surrounding tissue. Everything that comes in her way, she destroys the nerves, vessels, muscles. For this reason, people suffering from cancer, severe pain.

chto predstavlyaet iz sebya rakovaya opuholThe appearance of tumors can vary greatly depending on the localization, that is, from the nature of the epithelium in the particular body. The tumor itself represents a node that can be soft or hard to the touch, may have a smooth or bumpy surface. If the tumor is close to the surface of the skin, withtime, external signs of its presence in the body: wrinkled skin, "orange peel", and ulceration.

Growths on the skin can be a metastasis. Often metastasizes to the skin stomach cancer. In this case, the skin is covered with vesicles, ulcers, pustules, formations similar to warts.

In the terminal stage, i.e. during the period of disintegration of the tumor, she looks just like a gray or purulent mass, having a bad odor.

For diagnosis and treatment of cancer science invents new ways that bring significant positive results. However, the most significant factors of cure remain treatment at the earliest stages and individual characteristics of the organism.