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A malignant tumor

A malignant tumor is called uncontrolled growth of changed cells in the tissue. During the growth of a malignant tumor disrupts the normal functioning of the body.

The distinction of malignant tumors

Malignant tumors differ depending on the cell type:

  • carcinoma, or cancer composed of cells of epithelial tissues
  • melanoma originates from the melanocytes;
  • sarcoma arises from cells of the connective tissue, muscles and bones;
  • leukemia is a modified stem cells of the bone marrow;
  • lymphoma arises from damaged lymphatic tissue;
  • teratoma grows from the embryo cell;
  • glioma is the development of glial cells;
  • choriocarcinoma is formed from the placenta tissue.

Some types of malignant tumors affect mainly adolescents and children in the first five years from birth.

The definition of a malignant tumor

In order to understand how to identify a malignant tumor, it is necessary to know the basic symptoms of cancer:

  • the difference of the structure and behavior of cells from underlying tissue;
  • no shell separating the tumor from the rest of the body;
  • rapid active growth and spread of the tumor;
  • the ability of tumor spread to nearby tissues and through the blood vessels and the lymphatic system.

Of all the symptoms are the most characteristic:

  • a little mass or swelling;
  • bleeding;
  • inflammation;
  • jaundice;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • bone pain and fractures;
  • sensations are neurological in nature;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • sweating.

The distinction of malignant from benign tumors

snimokThe main difference between malignant and benign tumors ability to metastasize.

A benign tumor is a shell, not grow in other organs and tissues, may stop growth and go back to the original state of the tissue. When you remove benign tumors does not occur relapse.

A malignant tumor does not have a shell and grows to a considerable distance, hampering the functioning of the organs and systems of the body. When a malignant tumor may be metastatic and form a new tumor.

A malignant brain tumor

This type of tumor is a solid mass from the modified cells or from metastasis from other organs. To form a malignant brain tumor at any part of the brain. The degree of danger of a malignant brain tumor depends primarily on its location, size and intensity of growth.

devushka so snimkomThe most characteristic symptom of a headache. Before the onset of pain nausea, feeling of fullness in the head and a feeling of heaviness. But headaches can appear a mental disorder or comatose status. In some cases, a brain tumor causes disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The prognosis of survival depends on the timing of treatment, type of tumor, its size and location, patient's age and overall health.

Malignant tumor of the breast

The first symptoms of which manifests a malignant breast tumor, can be detected with self-examination:

  • unusual breast lump and swelling;
  • changing forms and shapes of the breast;
  • retraction or puckering of the breast skin;
  • peeling of the skin of the breast;
  • the occurrence of cavities when lifting the arms up;
  • the indents of the nipple;
  • the appearance of the nipplebleeding;
  • seal or swelling of the nipple;
  • the change in the structure of the mammary gland when feeling;
  • the occurrence of pain in the region of the breast;
  • swelling in the armpit or in the shoulder area;
  • enlarged lymph nodes under the arm.

When timely identified malignant breast tumor and just started treatment procedure for the elimination of education and its consequences gives very positive results.

Malignant tumor of the uterus

The reason of occurrence of malignant tumors in the uterus can become chronic disease and inflammation. Sometimes malignant tumor of the uterus becomes the result of the proliferation of the endometrium.

zhivotThe initial stage of uterine tumors are asymptomatic. With the development of there is discharge in the form of beloeil, and then acquires a putrid smell and changes color. Possible failure and menstrual disorders, bleeding between cycles. During sexual intercourse may experience pain and presence of blood.

Treatment of malignant uterine tumors is by surgery or with radiation therapy. If the woman is not planning on having children, maybe complete removal of the uterus, which reduces the possibility of recurrence.

Malignant ovarian tumors

In type of malignant ovarian tumors are primary, from the changed cells, or secondary degeneration of benign tumors.

Initially, the ovarian tumor occurs without symptoms. In later stages appear some symptoms:

  • the disruption of the digestive system;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • an increase in the abdomen;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • the occurrence of bleeding;
  • dropsy of the abdomen;
  • severe depletion.

The cause of the ovarian tumors could be unfavorable heredity, exposure to harmful substances, viral infections, the presence of benign tumors. Can occur ovarian tumor by penetration of metastases from other organs. In the radical treatment the chances of recovery are very high. If treatment is not available, high risk of death.

Malignant tumor of the rectum

The cause of tumors in the rectum can become disorders of the digestive process, chronic constipation, the presence of colon polyps and villous tumors.

The main symptoms that characterize a malignant tumor of the rectum, a few:

  • bleeding;
  • violation of bowel function;
  • manifestations of pain;
  • selection.

In the treatment of tumors of the rectum is mainly used surgical operation to remove the affected portion of the colon.

Malignant tumor of the stomach

osmotr vrachom Malignant tumors in the stomach are formed from the connective tissue or have a metastatic origin. Most damage to stomach causes of sarcoma, many of which are formed from benign tumors. Such a malignant stomach tumor develops quite a long time without damaging the gastric sheath, but allowing the metastases to the lymph nodes, lungs and liver.

Often, malignant tumors of the stomach develop without special symptoms. In some cases, there is loss of appetite, fatigue, frequent nausea and vomiting, weight loss.

For the treatment of malignant tumors of the stomach used surgical treatment, which even with extensive lesions can be very positive. The result of the operation depends largely on the depth of tumor invasion and the presence or absence of metastases. In the absence of surgicalintervention the life expectancy of patients with malignant tumors of the stomach is from one year to two years. Surgery to remove the tumor allows to increase the life up to five years or more.

Malignant tumor of the kidney

Most often malignant tumor of the kidney occurs around the age of sixty years.

Symptoms of the malignancy in the kidney appear quite diverse:

  • the bleeding in the urine (hematuria);
  • local pain;
  • palpable tumor;
  • temperature rise;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • anemia;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • hypercalcemia.

In men, an important sign of the presence of the tumor is the veins in the spermatic cord.

The main method of treatment of malignant kidney tumors is its removal together with the surrounding tissue and lymph nodes. Only in some cases, nephrectomy.

A malignant tumor of the intestine

In the early stages of malignant tumor of the intestine has mild symptoms that are not usually taken into account:

  • a variety of pain in the abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • rumbling in the abdomen and bloating;
  • the bleeding in the feces;
  • loss of appetite;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • constant weakness and fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • the increase in temperature.

The precursors of malignant tumors of the intestine may become villous tumors adenomas, polyps in colon, chronic fistulas and chronic ulcerative colitis.

A malignant tumor of the intestine can metastasize into the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, ovaries. During germination of the tumor in the intestinal wall increases the risk of damage to blood vessels and the beginning of intestinal bleeding. The growth of the tumor sometimes leads to intestinal obstruction.