Home / Throat cancer / Symptoms of cancer of the larynx can be confused with colds

Symptoms of cancer of the larynx can be confused with colds

Laryngeal cancer is one of the most serious and widespread diseases among cancer, when the fabric base of the throat, forming a malignant tumor. Statistically most susceptible to this type of neoplasm in men aged 40 to 70 years. Unfortunately, every year from the disease die 4000 per 1,000 patients. In recent years seen the decline of the disease due to a growing number of renounce Smoking. Scientists still have not identified the causes of cancer of the larynx, but allocate some risk factors such as Smoking, a large amount of alcohol consumed, papillomavirus, multiple infections in the oral cavity an unfavourable environment.

The main types of cancer of the larynx and their characteristic manifestation

Three types of disease of certain areas with the formation and development of tumors.

  • rak gortani The upper sections — the area above the vocal folds. When the tumor is concentrated in the epiglottis before the pain makes itself felt, an unpleasant feeling in throat something stuck all the time and interfere. With the progression of the disease pain become much stronger.
  • The middle sections in the area of the vocal folds. If the tumor is localized in this Department, it is a violation of voice. First, the voice becomes rougher, changing the timbre, and then an unpleasant hoarseness, which is the main reason for the visit to the specialist.
  • The lower parts under the vocal folds. Most often in this area of cancer begins quietly, does not betray himself.

From the first symptoms up — explicit

Throat cancer is hard to detect in the earliest stages due to the fact that all of the symptoms are similar to normal colds, SARS or a manifestation of an Allergy. The patient feels pain in the throat, sore. Neck when it swells, becomes hard to swallow, there is osiplosti in his voice. During the inspection of the mucosa of the larynx, you may notice small ulcers and white spots. Unlike other diseases, these symptoms are not are a long time, so if symptoms are stable for more than two weeks, you should visit an otolaryngologist.

cilnye boli v gorleIn addition to the first characteristics, there are also obvious, including:

  • Persistent cough.
  • A sharp loss in weight.
  • Pain in the ear and hearing impairment.
  • Severe pain in the throat.
  • The rotten smell from the mouth.
  • In the sputum of impurities of the blood.
  • Toothache, hair loss.
  • Loss of voice.
  • It's hard to breathe.

Only one of the symptoms the diagnosis is impossible, appoint additional research. The main analysis consists in removal of a small piece from the region of tumors to identify cancer cells. This is the true test for establishing an accurate diagnosis of a malignant tumor. All other tests only to find out what and where it is concentrated cancer.

At each stage of its development and symptoms

Every cancer is divided into stage and throat cancer is no exception.

  • Stage 0, the earliest and passing asymptomatic, affected only the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • Stage 1, it is also difficult to notice the course of the disease, the tumor has penetrated more deeply, but did not affect the vocal cords, lymph nodes and tissues;
  • Stage 2 makes itself felt a change in voice, hoarseness, because the tumor started to affect the vocal cords;
  • Stage 3 immobilizes at least one voice link. Unfortunately, cancer patients pay attention to their disease with this stage, when the tumor is gaining its momentum, it grows through all of the throat and is accompanied by characteristic signs:

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1. All the same change in voice, until its complete loss.

2. Cough with sputum, where you can observe lived blood.

3. When making swallowing reflexes the patient has difficulty.

4. Mouth appears smell of rot.

  • Stage 4 — latter, characterized by the spread of metastasis to other organs. To the symptoms of cancer of the larynx are added:

1. The tumor continues to spread far beyond the throat;

2. The cervical lymph nodes tend to grow in size;

3. Increased pain in the ears;

4. When palpation of the larynx may be noted the change of cartilage;

5. Multiple metastases are striking in neighbouring authorities.

After diagnosis of the disease, in addition to the appointment of a special treat especially close to attention to nutrition, not specific to diet, but to the very process of absorption of food. Regardless of the option selected for the treatment of cancer of the throat, throughout the course of the patient complains of nausea, vomiting, severe dry mouth and it discourages the food and, accordingly, there is a loss of vitality. Most often, to eat by yourself is almost impossible and therefore, most patients absorb food only with a special flexible tube introduced directly into the stomach. Due to the difficult diagnosis of cancer at an early stage, the results from the treatment less effective, and this means a large percentage of relapses after getting rid of the disease. Regular doctor visits will help to reduce the possibility of a return of the disease.