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Symptoms of cancer small intestine

The emergence of malignant tumors in the small intestine – a very rare phenomenon. Among cancer of the gastrointestinal tract only in 2% of patients found cancer of the small intestine. Most often, cancer cells affect the glandular tissue of the mucous membranes and germinate in the duodenum. Tumors can cause obstruction of the small intestine, the characteristics of which are symptoms of cancer.

Unfortunately, the clinical manifestations of a malignant tumor invisible to the patient in the initial stages. The first symptoms of colon cancer appear when the tumor grows deep into the tissues of the body and begins to metastasize to adjacent organs.

The most frequent symptoms of cancer of the small intestine the following:

  • various dyspepsia (bloating, nausea, vomiting, spasmodic pain in the intestines);
  • the decrease in body mass (due to the lack of appetite and rapid progression of the tumor);
  • intestinal bleeding (observed in rare cases, often in the presence of sarcoma);
  • obstructive intestinal obstruction is a consequence of a massive malignant tumor).

3 and stage 4 colon cancer is often characterized by compression of the tumor to neighboring tissues and organs. As a result may develop jaundice, pancreatitis, cirrhosis and ischemia of the intestine. Sometimes the rapid growth of the tumor leads to rupture of the intestinal wall. And this is the peritonitis is another deadly condition.

Causes of cancer of the small intestine

Cancer caused by the following factors:

  • adenomatous polyps on the mucosa of the small intestine (can appear random, and may have a genetic nature);
  • the abundance of food with chemical carcinogens;
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • the inflammatory and enzymatic disease of the digestive system with chronic in nature;
  • radiation exposure;
  • genetic anomalies;
  • metastasis from other organs in the tissue of the small intestine.

Treatment of cancer of the small intestine

the intestine.

    3) Regular visits to a gastroenterologist in the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the intestine.

At the first alarm bells should immediately consult a specialist.