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Symptoms of blood cancer

Leukaemia, leukemia, blood cancer is a group of diseases in the field of hematopoiesis. Malignant tumors begin to develop due to mutations in bone marrow cells. Over time, these mutated cells displace healthy brain tissue. In humans a deficit of healthy cells blood. In the result there are the typical symptoms of blood cancer:

  • cytopenia – a reduction of leukocytes or platelets;
  • anemia;
  • increased tendency to hemorrhage;
  • infectious complications.

Malignant tumor for cancer of the blood, as in other forms of cancer that can spread throughout the body, striking the lymph nodes and healthy organs. In the later stages metastases most often affect the liver and spleen, and then other organs.

Ill often wonder, where did the cancer, how is cancer of the blood. One of the main causes of mutations in cells of the bone marrow – carcinogenic effect of ionizing radiation. Cancer is NOT communicated by droplets or sexual contact or through blood.

Specific signs of the disease there. First symptoms of blood cancer are the following:

  • weakness;
  • pains in the bones;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • aversion to food or odors;
  • slight increases in temperature that are not related to colds or other diseases;
  • excessive pallor of the patient;
  • dramatic weight loss;
  • dryness and yellowness of the skin;
  • excessive irritability;
  • drowsiness.

If the disease progresses in the body for a long time, you can increase the liver and spleen, appear dense knots under the skin at the point of inflection of Razhabov extremities (groin, armpits, neck). The last symptom is evidence of the defeat of a malignant tumor of lymphatic tissue.

Should any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor. To exclude other diseases with similar symptoms, you need to know how to identify cancer of the blood.

Diagnosis of cancer of the blood

First and foremost, if you suspect cancer is a blood test, total and detailed. This allows you to get a preliminary idea about the presence of the disease and its nature. A blood test for cancer has the following hematologic features:

  • the decrease in the level of leukocytes, platelets, and hemoglobin;
  • the presence in the blood of immature blast cells.

However, diagnosis of cancer by a blood test cannot give a comprehensive picture of the disease. To determine the type of modified hematopoietic cells, it is necessary to explore a sample of the soft tissues of the bone marrow. For this biopsy.

To determine the degree of metastasis of cancer of the blood used diagnostic methods such as computed tomography of the abdomen and brain, chest x-ray.

Symptoms of blood cancer in children

The main symptoms of blood cancer in children the same as adults. This weakness, fatigue, pallor and dryness of the skin, pain in joints and bones, lymph nodes and liver. A sick child refuses games, from food. Markedly reduced weight. Suspect possible cancer unexplained skin rashes and increased bleeding.

Pediatric Oncology in the field of hematopoiesis has two forms, determined by the structure of tumor cells:

  • acute (immature presence in the substrate of immature cells);
  • chronic (presence of tumor cells, Mature cells).

When recurrence of the disease in children developing this form of cancer, as CNS leukemia. In most cases, its presence is indicative of neurological signs, defined lesion of brain tissue and meninges.

simptomy raka kroviDoes the analysis of blood cancer in children? The bone marrow of a healthy childproduces leukocytes (white blood cells responsible for immunity), erythrocytes (red blood cells that transports oxygen to internal organs), platelets (the cells providing blood clotting). In leukaemia the bone marrow produces the affected white cells, which do not perform the function of leukocytes. These leukemia cells grow very quickly and displace healthy white blood cells. General complete blood count allow you to see such violations.

How many live with blood cancer? This question torments the parents of affected children and adult patients. This diagnosis is not always fatal. Well-timed treatment can promote full recovery of the patient. The best contingent in the prognostic plan is children.