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How many are living with blood cancer

Blood cancer comes from a single bone marrow cells, which is uncontrollable and to share. Develop specific white cells, which gradually displace and suppress the growth of normal blood cells. With the shortage of healthy bodies hematopoiesis is defined as blood cancer is manifested. In this disease specific tumor to see and impossible to touch. It does not exist in the body. Cancer cells circulating through the blood. They seem to "dissipate" in the body of the patient.

Causes of blood cancer

In the bone marrow where blood cells that perform the body's various functions. Each of these cells may at any time change into cancer, be a carrier of a terrible disease. This process is influenced by numerous factors:

  • exposure to ionizing radiation (not a one-time, systematic, regular, and high exposure; at risk are workers in nuclear power plants; living near a radioactive waste storage; medical radiology; x-ray technicians and other persons close to the carriers of radiation);
  • heredity (if family members were diagnosed cases of leukemia, the risk of blood cancer increases by 30-40%);
  • effect on the body mutagenic and harmful substances (alcohol, chemicals, nicotine, some medicines, paints);
  • exposure to certain viruses, provokes malignant transformation of blood cells and bone marrow);
  • a genetic mutation.

Whether the cancer is transmitted through the blood? Definitely not. A healthy body simply will not accept pathogenic blood cells. Even through transfusion of infected impossible. It is a proven fact.

The disease is a cancer of the blood: forms and stages

From the shape of a malignant tumor depends on how many are living with blood cancer. In traditional classification there are acute leukemias and chronic. In acute leukemia the prognosis is worse: the disease develops rapidly and quickly leads to death. Chronic leukemia is less dangerous for the life of the patient: clinical recovery is achieved faster. The transition from one form to another is impossible. Two separate hematological diseases. Blood counts in cancer is not allowed to diagnose one or another form. Therefore, the patient is doing a biopsy.

Methods of treatment of blood cancer depend on the stage of the disease:

The initial degree of leukemia. Characterized by the following features:

  • indicators of the blood only slightly modified;
  • there is a General deterioration of health and exacerbation of chronic infections.

To diagnose startup form is possible only retrospectively, after the transition of the disease into the next phase.

The expanded degree of blood cancer. There are marked changes in hematopoiesis. After the treatment can move to the next stage:

  • remission (in the patient's blood blast cells are absent for five years);
  • terminal stage (diagnosed complete inhibition of the hematopoietic system).

Staging in the chronic form of blood cancer has its own specifics:

  • the initial stage occurs without external signs, during the tests, diagnosed an increased number of granular leukocytes (monoklonovy phase of leukemia);
  • polikanova phase is accompanied by the formation of secondary tumors, the increase in the number of blast cells; complications arise in the form of lesions of lymph nodes, enlarged liver and spleen.

skolko zhivut s rakom kroviThe prognosis for chronic leukemia is much better than for acute. Rapid, aggressive development of acute leukemia leads to a rapid "extinction" of patients. In addition, this form of blood cancer badtreatable, often leads to the formation of lymphoblastic leukemia (85% of cases).

Curable cancer of the blood acute? The chance of complete recovery varies from 60 to 95 %. Prognosis with the right treatment can be favorable. Especially for children.

Cure patients with acute myeloid leukemia when adequate treatment is possible in 40-50% of cases. If you were able to transplant stem cells, the probability of recovery increases to 60%.

The course of chronic leukemia is slow. Up to a point – the onset of blast crisis. Chronic leukemia is actually acquiring the features sharp. The death of the patient during this period can occur from complications. Timely treatment allows for many years to achieve a sustained remission.