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How to treat cancer of the lymph nodes?

The lymphatic system whose main function is to protect the body from external adverse factors consists of lymph nodes and connecting vessels. For cancer of the lymph nodes in one or more lymph nodes growing malignant tumor (lymphoma). Lymph nodes located throughout the body but is most common cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck, groin and armpits.

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Cancer of the lymph nodes is diagnosed in 4% of all cases of cancer. Allocated to two groups of lymphoma: Hodgkin's lymphoma (occurs in 30%) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (70%). The term "non-Hodgkin's lymphoma" refers to 30 different histological types of malignant tumors.

Cancer of the lymph nodes may be primary and secondary. The emergence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes nearby organ affected by a malignant tumor, a common phenomenon (loss of regional and then distant lymph nodes occurs in most cases the appearance of malignant tumors in the body in the later stages). Cancer of the lymph nodes may be restricted (when in the malignant process involved 1-2 lymph node), common (with the defeat of several lymph nodes) and generalized (when the lymph system is fully involved in the malignant process).

Causes and predisposing factors

Identify the following causes of cancer of the lymph nodes:

  • various diseases and disorders of the immune system;
  • viral infections such as Epstein-Barr, HIV;
  • contact with carcinogenic substances (such as pesticides and herbicides).

By the predisposing factors of cancer of the lymph nodes include:

  • age: the peak incidence of lymphoma accounts for 15 to 30 years and after 50 years;
  • pregnancy after 30-35 years of age;
  • race: men of Caucasian race with light skin get cancer lymph nodes more frequently than others (while the Asians suffer from lymphoma, much less other races);
  • bad heredity: the presence of first degree relatives who have had lymphoma.

Symptoms and signs

Cancer symptoms lymph nodes:

  • poterya massy tela loss of appetite;
  • the loss of body weight (10 kg for a short period of time);
  • digestive disorders;
  • anemia;
  • weakness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • frequent fungal and bacterial diseases.

These symptoms occur with cancer of the lymph nodes in cases when the disease has gone far. In the presence of predisposing factors to the development of disease need to pay particular attention to the early signs of cancer of the lymph nodes, such as:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • the increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of night sweats;
  • cause itching;
  • feeling pressure in the face or neck (cancer of the cervical lymph nodes).

Swollen lymph nodes (cervical, inguinal, axillary) is a very important sign that the body that something is wrong. But since the lymph nodes may increase in colds or infectious diseases, this symptom rarely pay attention. When swollen lymph nodes for the presence of cancer is indicated by the fact that lymph nodes do not decrease after taking antibiotics. Palpation of the lymph nodes increased as a result of defeat of lymphatic system cancer, you will typically not painful sensations, in contrast to the inflammation of lymph nodes in infectious diseases.

Body temperature in cancer of the lymph nodes rises to 38 degrees. Night sweats in cancer of the lymph nodes reaches such an extent, that the bed sheets very often have to change. Itching in the growth of lymphoma appears in 25-35% of patients.


There are four stages of cancer lymph nodes:

  • in the first stage affected only one area of lymph nodes;
  • in the second stage in the malignant process involves several areas of the lymph nodes;
  • in the third stage affects the lymph nodes as thoracic and abdominal cavity;
  • in the fourth stage the malignancy has spread to other internal organs.


If you suspect a cancer of the lymph nodes the physician provides the patient questioning and palpation of the lymph nodes. Also assigned biochemical and clinical analysis of blood. When suspicious lymph nodes are ultrasound examination. To more accurate methods of diagnosis of cancer of the lymph nodes compared to ultrasound include computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

The most accurate method of diagnosis is biopsy: tissue from the diseased lymph node is taken using a long thin needle. This is followed by a study of the structure of the tumor is determined by its type and depending on this is assigned to further treatment.


Treatment of lymphoma depends on the location of the tumor, presence of metastases, stage of malignancy and comorbidities. Treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes is carried out using the following methods:

  • surgery;
  • radiation therapy;
  • chemotherapy.

lechenie limfomy Surgery is the most effective method of treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes. The operation removed not only the tumor lymph nodes, but also all the regional lymph nodes to decrease the likelihood of development of malignant process.

Radiation therapy is usually performed after removal of the lymph nodes in the result of operative interference. A course of radiation therapy to treat cancer of the lymph nodes lasts from two to four weeks.

Chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes can be used before surgery or after it. The use of chemotherapy helps to stop tumor growth or even reduce its size, and destroy individual cancer cells.

The combination of surgery with chemotherapy and radiation allows in most cases to achieve a stable remission of the disease, stabilize the patient's condition.