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Treatment of uterine cancer

Treatment of cancer of the uterus is built depending on many factors, including patient age, degree of spread of the disease. Treated if cancer of the uterus? Today, the successful treatment of this cancer is 98% at the first stage.

Methods of treatment of cervical cancer

  • Surgical,
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hormone therapy.

Treatment of cancer of the uterus puts two main objectives: removing the tumor and prevent recurrence and metastasis. Usually, it is complex.

Surgical technique

lechenie raka matkiTreatment of endometrial cancer, mainly produced surgically. In the first stage, carry out extremely of the uterus with appendages. This operation is carried out under favorable prognosis. If the forecast is burdened with additional risk factors, resorting to the extended extremely of the uterus and appendages. If necessary (it is confirmed by cytological examination) produce deletion or excision of the lymph nodes. Usually, it is distributed to the iliac lymph nodes.

The endoscopic method allows to perform the operation under visual control and without large incisions, which greatly facilitates the portability of the intervention and reduces the postoperative period. Introduction hysteroresectoscope ablation in gynecological practice gave the possibility of the organ operations for the destruction of pathological endometrium with a small degree of spread of the disease.

Radiotherapy for cancer of the uterus

Radiation therapy is used to treat many types of cancer, like most epithelial tumors sensitive to ionizing radiation. From exposure cancer cells to die, stop or significantly slow growth.

For cancer of the uterus, the irradiation of the small pelvis, a vaginal tube, the areas of metastasis.

Indications for radiotherapy:

  • Tumor invasion in myometrium more than a third,
  • Localization of the cancer in varnasrama part of the uterus.

Chemotherapy for cancer of the uterus

Indications dosage of anticancer drugs in cancer of the uterus is rather limited. In this disease chemotherapy plays a secondary role, as it does not bring global changes, but only hinders the development of the disease.

What it's used for chemotherapy for cancer of the uterus?

  • The use of chemotherapy can reduce the dose and reduce the time of exposure. This is important in connection with side effects from radiation therapy.
  • Chemotherapeutic method allows to completely purify the body from disease, when surgery and radiotherapy are the main mass of cancer cells removed or neutralized.
  • In cases of extensive destruction of the body swelling, when basic methods are not sufficient, is used in chemotherapy. Distant metastases in cancer of the uterus are a major indication for the use of chemicals to combat cancer.

Hormone therapy

Therapy for uterine cancer hormone remedies aimed at correcting hormonal levels, as it is often the breach and become a trigger for the development of malignant tumors.

Treatment of uterine cancer folk remedies

It is important to understand that you should remedy only as a part of treatment after consulting your doctor.

Of course, the treatment of the conventional ways in addition to ease and deals more damage to the body, which then have to compensate. But herbs, for example, also have side effects and contraindications, they can be toxic.

Most often used for the treatment of neoplastic diseases such plants as burdock, celandine, wormwoodordinary. Their application is due to the ability of these plants to suppress the growth of cancer cells.

The prognosis of cancer of the uterus

The factors that affect the prognosis of the diagnosis of uterine cancer: extent of disease, the histological structure of the tumor, age of the patient. The possibility of cure in early stages can reach 98%, and the last to fall to 9%. With age, the prognosis worsens, and after 50 years, the possibility of five-year survival rate is reduced by about 30%.


Prevention includes primary and secondary. In the primary prevention reduces the likelihood of disease. Here it is important to abandon bad habits, to follow the body mass in a timely manner to treat emerging diseases.

Secondary prevention is the timely diagnosis of precancerous lesions and the tumor itself. In addition, important in the prevention of recurrence of the disease after treatment. Proper nutrition for cancer of the uterus, a decent life and thoughts, compliance with doctor's recommendations will help to ensure the best results.