Home / Liver cancer / The last stage of liver cancer. How to deal with it?

The last stage of liver cancer. How to deal with it?

When diagnosed with liver cancer at the last stage, the patient and his relatives a lot of questions doctor. Perhaps it was a mistake? How to help in this situation? What is the prognosis? How long will the patient live? Curable if the last stage liver cancer?

Stages of liver cancer

pechenA malignant tumor of this organ can be primary or metastatic (secondary). Primary cancer develops from the cells and structures of the liver. Secondary is the result of metastasis of a tumor in another organ and is more common.
Extent of liver cancer:

1. Liver cancer 1 degree.

There is one lesion of two centimeters in diameter without germination vessels. The tumor may not disrupt the normal functioning of the body, therefore it is not always detected, even with a targeted survey. Cancer does not give metastases, so the treatment at this stage the most effectively.

2. Liver cancer 2 degrees.

This multiple tumors up to two inches in the larger dimension or a tumor of two centimeters in diameter with invasion of blood vessels. Possible single education more than two inches without germination vessels. Tumors limited to one lobe of the liver.

3. Liver cancer of 3 degrees.

Has two versions:

  • "A single tumor more than two centimeters in greatest dimension with invasion of blood vessels; multiple tumors are concentrated in one lobe with invasion of vessels (up to two inches in diameter), without germination (more than two inches).
  • "In the" single tumor up to two inches without germination vessels, metastatic lymph nodes in the hepatic Porta or hepatoduodenal ligament; single and multiple tumors with invasion of blood vessels plus metastases in the lymph nodes.

The treatment is difficult. Often the third stage rapidly into the next.

4. Liver cancer 4 degrees.

This uncontrolled and irreversible proliferation of cancer cells in the body, overgrowth. Damage adjacent healthy tissues and organs. Formed distant metastatic foci.

According to the recommendations of the world cancer organization, the diagnosis of fourth stage is set under the following circumstances:

  • the tumor progresses;
  • metastases spread to the lungs, bones, pancreas or brain;
  • cancers is growing rapidly.

In addition, liver cancer is considered to be extremely fatal disease between the first and the last stage is three to four months.

Curable cancer of the liver stage 4?

Treatment of cancer in the fourth stage, unfortunately, does not achieve the radical result. But the approval of the quick death of such a patient is a myth. A key indicator of prognosis – life expectancy for five years. For cancer of the liver many lives only six percent of the patients.

Last stage liver cancer is characterized by multiple tumors in both lobes, lesions of the main branches of the portal vein and baked. With this diagnosis of classical chemotherapy is ineffective.

Liver cancer treatment stage 4

Such a diagnosis is not a reason in order to lie down, lay down and wait for death. Of course, the person experiences terrible pain, disturbed many functions, but the fight for life need. Why not enter the six percent living more than five years?

Currently, we use modern medical technologies for the treatment of liver cancer last stages:

1. Radiofrequency ablation of foci of cancer.

Carried out in primary tumors. Indications for use:

  • the absence of extrahepatic manifestations (colorectal metastasis);
  • the presence of five or less lesions (when metastasis neuroendocrine cancer valid);
  • the size of the nodes ingreatest dimension not more than four inches (large nodes can be exposed to only if they are increased under the influence of chemotherapy);
  • recurrence after radiofrequency ablation, resection of an organ or other treatment options;
  • metachronous metastasis after earlier treatment;
  • visualized with CT, USCT of the tumor;
  • safe access tumors.


  • cirrhosis of the liver-degree (for Caldo);
  • the presence of an artificial pacemaker;
  • tumors located near the gall bladder, stomach wall, intestinal loops.

During the procedure is inserted into the tumor a probe through which alternating current is introduced. The result of ion fluctuations, generating heat. Is the destruction of cancer cells.

2. Chemoembolization.

Is embolization of tumors, stop blood flow in it. Plus the delivery of the chemotherapeutic agent, which locally affects the cancerous tumor. The operation can be performed several times. As a rule, complications and adverse reactions no.

3. Radioembolization of metastatic.

Under the control of intravascular angiography is selective cauterization and introduction of embolic particles with a radioactive isotope.

Great importance in the treatment of late-stage cancer is palliative care:

  • pain relief and possible elimination of other symptoms;
  • reducing ascites laparocentesis;
  • psychological assistance;
  • spiritual support.