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Symptoms of prostate cancer grade 3

Prostate cancer refers to malignant tumors. Ill can men at any age, but most often prostate cancer appears after age 50. The disease is manifested by development of malignant tumors in the prostate gland. Contribute to the development of prostate cancer is often inherited predisposition, bad habits (Smoking, alcohol), hormones, poor diet, etc.

Symptoms of prostate cancer

Very often at the earliest stages of the disease progresses without obvious symptoms, and therefore, in most cases, prostate cancer is detected at stage 3 or 4 when there was a proliferation of neoplastic process and the lesions of nearby organs and tissues.

The main symptoms include frequent urination, especially at night. During urination, the patient begins to experience pain. You may experience urinary retention or incontinence. In the urine found blood. Manifest pain in the back or pelvis.

In the last stages of prostate cancer metastases appear. They usually occur in nearby lymph nodes or in bones.

Prostate cancer level

There are 4 stages of prostate cancer.

At the very first stage of the disease tumor is within the prostate on its surface. There are no metastases. To identify the disease at this stage is a random inspection. With timely treatment, the survival rate is 95-100%.

In the second stage of prostate cancer the tumor is also within the prostate, but there are more atypical cells and the tumor invasion in tissues and organs. Diagnosis in this case can also be hampered due to the lack of obvious symptoms. Survival rate is 60%.

In the third stage of the disease the tumor is outside the prostate. Prostate cancer grade 3 metastasizes to lymph nodes or tissues that are closest to the tumor. The survival rate with this diagnosis is about 60%.

In the fourth stage of prostate cancer is the spread of tumor beyond all organs or tissue. With properly performed treatment, the survival rate will be 50%.


Diagnosis of prostate cancer much more difficult. Most commonly detected disease in 3 or 4 stages.

rak prostatyFrom the survey methods used are:

1) the Rectal method of examination. This method of diagnosis is the most accessible and common. The patient is digital examination of the prostate through the rectum. Thus, it is possible to determine the density of the gland and its dimensions, and to find the tumor itself.

2) Ultrasound examination. Ultrasound can also be performed via the transabdominal or the front abdominal wall. The most widely used method of transrectal ultrasound. It can be used to detect even the smallest of education.

3) blood test for prostate-specific antigen. When prostate cancer is in the blood level of prostate-specific antigen. Using this analysis, you can identify prostate cancer even 1 or 2 stages.

4) prostate Biopsy. Is performed under ultrasound guidance through the skin of the perineum, urethra or rectum. Using biopsy to detect abnormal cells and to deliver a more accurate diagnosis.

As additional surveys are used computed tomography, radiography, and scintigraphy of the bones.

Prostate cancer stage 3

For prostate cancer grade 3 is characterized by the presence of such symptoms:

  • frequent night urination;
  • the feeling of pain or burning inurinating;
  • blood in the urine;
  • pain in the sacrum, in the pelvis and back;
  • the lack of urine.

There may be extension of the ureter, or the formation of kidney stones. Metastases are swelling or pain in the limbs.

To detect prostate cancer stage 3 is not difficult. Of diagnostic methods used rectal examination, transrectal ultrasonography method, the DOG.

At this stage of the disease the tumor metastasizes throughout the body: lungs, liver, bones and lymph nodes.
Prostate cancer grade 3 treated with radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy, and brachiotherapy of monotherapy with antiandrogens.

Prostate cancer stage 3 requires comprehensive treatment. After surgery (prostatectomy) you receive chemotherapy and special drugs to suppress the hormone testosterone. Less commonly used radiation therapy. Each case is assigned an individual treatment depending on localization of the tumor and severity of the tumor. In the absence of treatment or late diagnosis, the prognosis is extremely unfavorable.

Prognosis for stage 3 prostate cancer

Prognosis for stage 3 prostate cancer depends primarily on the aggressiveness of disease, tumor growth and spread of tumor. To determine how aggressive the disease is possible by means of special markers:

1) PSA levels;

2) the scale of Gleason;

3) the rate of growth of the DOG.


There are several basic methods of treatment of prostate cancer:

1) surgery;

2) radiation therapy;

3) chemotherapy;

4) cryotherapy.

hirurgiyaAt each stage of the disease may be surgical intervention. In the first stages recommended radical surgery with complete removal of the prostate gland. Of the side effects of this method observed impotence and incontinence. In rare cases the patient makes a full castration, removing the testicles. Stops production of the hormone testosterone and inhibited tumor growth.

Radiation therapy kills cancer cells. This method of treatment can be combined with surgery or hormonal therapy. As a treatment option choose brachytherapy: prostate introduced radioimpedance that prevent further growth of the tumor and carried out radioactive rays.

Chemotherapy is carried out with different drugs, having a devastating effect on cancer cells: novatron, estramustin, Taxotere. They exert an inhibitory effect on male hormone testosterone. Of side effects there is a decrease in libido, weight loss, osteoporosis, impotence. Of hormonal drugs used the Zoladex and etelemed.

The method of cryotherapy is the impact of low temperature on atypical cells. Gives a positive effect in combination with hormonal therapy.

Prevention of prostate cancer

To date, scientists have proved that the chances of getting prostate cancer due to the consumption of fatty foods is very high. Low in fat helps reduce the aggressiveness of the disease and protects against the occurrence of prostate tumors. The amount of consumed red meat should be limited, but fish and seafood – on the contrary, increased. Food should be rich in vitamins A and E. Animal fat should be present in the diet in low amounts. To combat overweight and to control it in the future.

Harmful foods should be completely avoided from the diet. By eating hamburgers and chips in the body accumulates a large number of substances contributing to the development of malignant tumors.

Mosta widely used tool for the prevention of prostate cancer is considered to be lycopene. It is located in tomatoes, apricots, grapefruit, papaya and other fruits and vegetables. A particularly positive effect on cancer cells provides vitamin C. other beneficial vitamins can be noted vitamin D, selenium, zinc and others.

Under unfavorable heredity men with a predisposition to this disease are advised to undergo regular examination by a urologist. For example, to take a blood test for prostate-specific antigen or to undergo a rectal examination of the rectum. Also in this category are men older than 50 years. The sooner you identify the disease, the more chances will be for recovery and more favorable will be the prognosis.