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Stomach cancer and symptoms of metastases in the stomach

rak zheludkaSuch diseases as stomach cancer is extremely dangerous and, unfortunately, common. And to detect it in its early stages is quite problematic. As nausea or abdominal pain are common symptoms for gastritis or stomach ulcers, and people who put such diagnoses will not always pay them particular attention. In addition, often the beginning of stomach cancer is without any symptoms. And in order to exclude the possibility of the development of such dangerous disease is necessary from time to time to pass the required examination and not to eat a heavy meal. The disease first affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and then metastasized moving to nearby organs, including the lungs.

In turn, metastasis is called a secondary foci of malignant tumors which begin their education together with the tumor. Metastases are first detached from the tumor single cells and sent into the blood vessel where the blood starts to deliver them in place for future growth. During the initial phases of the disease most often the process is invisible.

What are the symptoms?

Stomach metastasis in malignant tumors are very rare, and such cases occurs only 1 percent. But most often the metastases can be directed to this body in diseases such as breast cancer, lung, esophagus or cancer of the uterus. So, during the x-ray observed multiple or single content with clear contours and rounded shapes. Metastases in the stomach can reach five centimeters in diameter.

But in gastric cancer metastases can be formed in organs such as the liver, lungs, pancreas, peritoneum or lymph nodes. Sometimes they can be found in the kidneys or bones. If such metastases have a small size, the disease may be asymptomatic, but in all other situations, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • plohoj appetitlow appetite;
  • high temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • change the taste preferences;
  • and anemia.

But if the disease starts to progress, it is possible for these symptoms:

  • bad chair;
  • frequent vomiting, in the blood;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • fast loss of weight;
  • the growth of the abdomen.

As stomach cancer occurs without any specific symptoms, if in any doubt it is better to go to the hospital to implement a medical examination.

All of the metastases in the pancreas

Here, the first thing you want to note that the pancreas is an important secretory organ which takes part in the digestive and metabolic processes. It produces juices that help break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats. And the internal function of the body to be treated the secretion of insulin and glucagon lidocaine.

rak v podzheludochnoj zhelezeMetastases that appear in this body are the consequence of various kinds of malignant tumors, which sometimes is the man maybe he did not know. These secondary lesions can be caused by cancer of the same organ or there are situations when this phenomenon occurs due to cancer border authorities. These include the mammary gland, lungs, stomach, ovaries.

It is also important to know that the metastasis in the pancreas are a much bigger threat than a primary tumor of that organ. Their danger lies in bessimptomnom and that even diagnosis can sometimes be made only on the last stages of the disease, when chances for successful treatment remains low. Besides all this, the disease is extremely difficult to recognize becausea multitude of symptoms, in particular it can be a pain in the abdomen, weight-shedding, frequent vomiting and diarrhoea, jaundice, dark urine, etc.. common manifestations of the disease include loss of appetite, sweating, excessive thirst, weakness, itching and other symptoms.

How to treat metastases in the stomach?

First, doctors remove the parent tumor, which is the source of metastases. In order to accomplish this, you need to conduct surgery. The tumor thus removed along with the entire stomach and a part of it. The operation will directly depend on the placement, size of the tumor and phase of its involvement in other bodies. Sometimes require removal of part of intestine, spleen or liver.

In General, treatment of such metastases is difficult, because these cells are nearly insensitive to chemical radiation. And with severe the degree of development of metastases and their treatment may be ineffective. In these situations, it may be assigned to the systemic therapy for some relief of the patient's condition and prolong his life.