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It is characterized by the adenoma of the colon?

Adenoma of the colon is a benign neoplasm of the large intestine, which creates the likelihood of developing cancer. Adenoma or polyps often strike the colon. Adenoma is a precancerous condition. It is necessary to consider a variety of formations, their size (if the size of the adenoma more than 1 cm, the probability of malignancy is about 10 %). Polyps may be single or multiple, they can have legs. Length of a polyp may reach 2 cm early detection of disease, before it begins to pose a threat.

Types of adenomas of the large intestine

There are several types of adenomas of the large intestine. These include:

  • adenoma tolstoj kishkitubular adenoma of the colon (tubular) is the most common type of adenoma of the intestine, is characterized by a smooth surface; the polyp is dense, pink color; the prognosis of this type of polyps most favorable;
  • villous adenoma of the colon is the most dangerous type of polyps that transform into a malignant form with a probability of 40%; this type of adenoma is characterized by multiple formations across the surface of the intestine, they are softer in its consistency;
  • mixed type – tubular-villous adenomas, which are psevdoopujol; these growths similar to both previous types of polyps;
  • serrated adenoma is paripoorna adenoma, in which there is dysplasia in the surface areas of the tumour.

The causes of pathology

Significantly reasons is the development of polyps in the intestine has not been established. Under some assumptions hereditary background are important. Another view is that somatic diseases provoke the formation of polyps.

Diet is of great importance for humans and has an impact on the state of the whole organism. Food with a high content of carcinogens, consumption of high-calorie foods with an insufficient amount of fiber, reduces motor activity of the intestine. This may be one reason for changes in the microflora and formation of adenomas.

You should also consider the influence of unfavorable ecological situation, bad habits, interaction with toxic substances, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even the lack of physical activity has an impact on the condition of the intestines.

Characteristics of the adenoma

adenoma tolstoj kishkiAdenoma of the intestine is also characterized by the degree of dysplasia (reversible pathological process that can lead to malignancy). In modern medicine there is the following classification of dysplasia.

1. Tubular adenoma of the colon with epithelial dysplasia 1 degree is relatively normal cell division, in which cellular changes are not pronounced.

2. Adenoma of the large intestine with moderate dysplasia is characterized by a more pronounced cellular atypia. Is 2 the degree of development of the polyp, which is a degree with a possible reverse development of the pathological process. The severity of dysplasia much more noticeable is their accelerated division. The boundaries between layers of cells with almost no discernible.

3. Adenoma 3 degrees is a precancerous condition in which the probability of the reverse development of the pathological process is minimal. Need constant supervision of an oncologist.


p>vzdutie zhivotaAt the initial stage of the formation of polyps the symptoms may not be present. Diagnosis of the disease at this stage usually occurs by accident, during examination of the patient for otherdiseases. If the polyps reach the size more than 2 cm, then begin to show symptoms of the disease. It can be any of the following signs:

  • pain during the discharge of stool;
  • bloating, discomfort or pain;
  • discomfort (feeling a foreign body inside) and itching in the anal area;
  • an increased amount of mucus in the stool, the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

These signs may indicate an adenoma of the rectum. Accurate diagnosis possible after examination of the patient. When polyps of the colon and rectum, the patient is gradually developing obstruction. It is also possible the development of other disorders in the body.

Diagnostic pathology

Tubular adenoma of the rectum also is a fairly common diagnosis. For the diagnosis of adenoma of the intestine is finger examination of the rectum, after which identifying polyps of the rectum. But the sigmoidoscopy can detect the presence of entities in the large intestine, more precisely, the most of them. More accurate diagnosis is made with radiographic studies and endoscopy. Adenomas of small size can be detected by means of barium enema. As an additional method of examination need to be examined histologically.

Treatment of adenoma of the intestine

Treatment of adenoma of the large intestine is in the form of surgery. Treatment of serrated adenoma of the colon also carried out surgically. Conservative treatment does not give positive result. After removal carry out a survey of polyps to malignancy. Before the operation, to reliably determine the nature of the education is impossible, since cancer can grow inside the tumor. After removal can be used drug therapy.

Treatment of tubular adenoma of the colon folk remedies is not recommended. Popular means when such treatment is celandine and other poisonous plants. This treatment can be dangerous, it can be performed only after doctor's permission.