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What are the degrees of BPH?

BPH is hyperplasia of the prostate (benign prostate enlargement). It belongs to the most common urologic conditions men. In this disease in men is preserved the structure of the tissues, however, the adenoma can cause serious complications. There are varying degrees of BPH.

The causes of the disease

Not known the reasons for the development of this disease. There are several factors that are considered capable of causing pathology. The main of them are changes in hormonal balance in the male body that occur as a result of age-related changes.

nepravilnoe pitanieOther prerequisites for the emergence of benign prostatic hyperplasia are:

  • the metabolic disorders;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • excess weight, poor diet, low activity, sedentary lifestyle;
  • serious chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis etc.

Adenoma of the prostate develops very slowly, most often it occurs in a latent form. Different degrees of the disease are characterized by different symptoms.

Adenoma first degree

Prostate adenoma 1st degree is accompanied by the least amount of symptoms. At the initial stage of the disease in men are frequent urination, a large part of the urine excreted during the day. During urination the flow of urine some slack. In the activation of the muscles during urination, the bladder defecate completely or almost completely. Frequent urination caused by irritation of the receptors, which occurs in the development of the disease.

The initial stage of the disease can last quite a long time and not be accompanied by severe symptoms. However, the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia 1 degree is no less important than treatment of diseases more serious degree of development.

Adenoma of the second degree

BPH is characterized by 2 degrees of incomplete urination with frequent urge. The flow may be interrupted, the symptoms are supplemented with discomfort and pain, which indicate the presence of inflammation. At this stage of the disease can occur the overlap of the duct, with the result that the patient has urinary retention. Stagnant urine in the ureters and kidneys, not go into the bladder. Urination in this case, it is accompanied by pain in the lower back and suprapubic region. Factors such as hypothermia, stress, alcohol, unhealthy food contribute to the deterioration of the patient.

In order to help the patient and avoid the development of serious complications of urinary retention he introduced the catheter, through which an emptying of the bladder. Treatment of BPH of 2 degrees is surgery.

Adenoma of the third degree

The transition of first-degree prostate adenoma during a second happens not in all cases, but from the second degree into the third becomes inevitable. BPH grade 3 is characterized by such symptoms as constant pain, a significant increase in the size of the bladder in the absence of its contractile ability. PI this the patient begins involuntary discharge of urine drop by drop.

Additionally patient exhibits symptoms such as lethargy, dehydration, weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation. BPH grade 3 requires urgent medical attention. If untreated, the patient's condition can lead to death.

Complications of adenoma

mocha s krovuSecond and third degree of the disease is accompanied by complications. This happens inthe result of urinary retention. These include:

  • the infection of the urinary tract;
  • the formation of stones;
  • the increase in the bladder, the bulging of its walls;
  • haematuria (urine with blood);
  • orchitis (inflammation of testicle);
  • renal failure.

However, the most serious is cancer of the prostate 4 degrees, ie, a malignant adenoma of the prostate gland. Prostate cancer causes mortality in 10% of cases of morbidity.


In the early stages of the disease may be drug therapy. However, the most common is surgical treatment, which is carried out in several ways:

  • open surgical removal of the adenoma;
  • laser surgery;
  • thermotherapy;
  • partial removal or transurethral electroresection.

Treatment of folk remedies can be dangerous to life and health.