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The need for surgery for BPH

BPH is a benign neoplasm of the prostate. This is one of the most frequent urological diseases. Almost half of men over 50 years suffer from this disease, and after the age of 60 years the probability of developing prostate men are still increasing. Adenoma is quite a serious disease that without proper treatment could lead to dangerous consequences. Because a patient often requires surgery for BPH.


The development of the adenoma primarily caused by age-related changes in the male body. Hormonal changes and a decrease in the level of hormones (in particular testosterone) lead to a weakening of men's health. Young men rarely suffer from this disease.

Symptoms of the disease caused by a tumor in the prostate gland, which is compression of the lumen of the urethra.


The patient experiences frequent urination. The fairly weak flow of urine and urination frequent. For the implementation of the stool the man with BPH requires a significant voltage. Although even in this case, to completely empty the bladder fails. Also when full the bladder may experience urinary incontinence.

The disease is accompanied by pain and burning sensation.

Possible consequences

BPH requires immediate treatment, otherwise, it can cause serious complications.

Primarily, this is due to incomplete emptying of the bladder. Penetrates the urine back to the kidneys. This creates increased pressure inside the kidney and thinning of its parenchyma, leading to formation of kidney failure.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia causes acute urinary retention. This condition requires emergency medical intervention. Various inflammatory diseases are the result of stagnation of urine (urethritis, cystitis, etc.).

In case of BPH, there is always the risk that the benign turn into malignant. This is one of the possible consequences.


In addition to palpation examination and laboratory tests for the diagnosis of prostate adenoma are used uroflowmetry, x-ray, ultrasound, and biopsy, which is revealing the nature of education. On the basis of the analyses developed treatment plan.


There are several types of treatment which are directed on symptoms of the disease. Drug therapy in the early stages of the disease is quite effective. Medicines relax the muscles of the urinary tract, thus facilitating the discharge of urine. Physiotherapy helps to relieve inflammation. Also the patient is recommended a catheterization to drain urine.

 adenomektomiya Methods of surgical treatment of BPH in men are the most effective. There are the following methods of surgical treatment of BPH:

  • adenomectomy – a method of surgical treatment, which involves open surgery;
  • removal of the prostate by the method of TUR (transurethral resection) is a procedure performed through the urethra;
  • transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) – consists of two incisions in the prostate;
  • transurethral radiofrequency termodestruction (TURT) – burning of the adenoma with current, which is carried out through the urethra;
  • surgery laser is another modern method of removing adenomas, which is mostly used in the early stages of the disease (the method is safe and reducesthe risk of complications);
  • laparoscopy – surgery through a small incision, which is carried out with a camera.

Indications for surgery

 kamni v mochevom puzyreWith the development of complications, as well as in other circumstances, the patient is recommended surgical treatment of BPH. Absolute indications for surgery include:

  • kidney failure;
  • stones in the bladder;
  • acute infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • blood in the urine in adenoma;
  • a large amount of residual urine in the bladder;

Can also be other indications for operation.

Contraindications to the operation

There are some contraindications, in which surgical treatment of BPH is not recommended or prohibited. Such contraindications:

  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malignant tumor of prostate (treatment must be adjusted);
  • congestive heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases in the acute manifestation.

Postoperative complications

Surgery to remove the prostate is the most dangerous in the likelihood of bleeding. In open surgery, blood loss is so severe that can lead to death. During the TOUR, there's a chance of flushing fluid into the vessels.

Also as a after effects of surgery to remove the prostate can be infection or inflammation, and a number of different diseases (thrombosis, pneumonia, etc.).

Can develop after removal of the prostate, urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction. Minimally invasive, least traumatic for the patient, thereby lowering the risk of these complications.

Rehabilitation of the patient

The postoperative period is accompanied by strict observance of the recommendations of the doctor in the first 2 weeks. The patient should refrain from physical activity. Abstinence from sex is recommended for 1-1,5 months. The rejection of bad habits, excessive drinking and a balanced diet after surgery of BPH are of great importance for the patient's recovery.

Rehabilitation after surgery of BPH is the gradual introduction of physical activity to start which is better walking in the fresh air. The patient must be under the supervision of a physician.