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Do I need to treat a fibroma on the foot?

Fibroma on the foot can occur in different places: on the foot, tibia, bone on soft tissue. Is the formation of a benign nature, usually does not require treatment. If a fibroid interferes with walking, rubs against shoes or clothing, the high probability of its degeneration into a malignant neoplasm. In this case, requires prompt treatment, removal of fibroids.

The causes and characteristics of

If the fibroid is not physically interfere with the walk, it almost does not manifest itself, is no threat to the patient (health, life). Up the formation of connective (e.g., cartilage, fibrous high – strength tissue of collagen, elastic fibers) tissue and grows very slowly.

A fibroid is formed in a single number, and in the plural. Often fibroids are diagnosed in the elderly, but is found in people of all ages, even children.

About the causes of tumors such experts do not have consensus. It is believed that the likelihood of disease is increased, if there is a genetic predisposition (someone from blood relatives was diagnosed with fibroids), hormonal imbalance, trauma, postoperative scarring.


There are three types of fibroids, depending on the tissues affected by fibroids:

  • fibroma na nogeFibroma of the skin. It is found in two forms: solid (represents solid growth on a broad basis, has a Nude or pink color, commonly occurs on the foot) and soft (looks like a pouch in soft leather brown, red color on a thin stalk that often occurs in scars after surgery).

The most frequent fibroma of the foot is plantar that occurs on the foot and often causes severe pain. Often a plantar fibroma is a multiple, such a phenomenon is called fibromatosis. When walking plantar fibroma under strain, pressure that cause pain. For athlete's foot itching.

  • Fibroma joints, cartilage (chondromyxoid). Rare fibroids. Its composition and cartilage tissue. Symptoms are aching pain in the joint. It affects the joints of the feet. Such fibroids are prone to relapse, sometimes degenerates into a malignant tumor. The most frequent type – fibroma of the knee joint.
  • Fibroma of bone (or possibilitya). Occurs in the bone, virtually no appears, sometimes can be pain in the affected bone. Often found in adolescents and children. The consequence of fibroma of the bone becomes thin, which often results in pathological fracture.


The main sign of the appearance of fibroids – the build-up. Often you can find yourself, but the exact diagnosis will be established by the physician. The fibroid is quite easy to confuse with other tumors. Only an experienced specialist after examination and investigation can accurately establish the diagnosis.

Fibroids often has no obvious symptoms, but if the plantar fibroma or skin contact with clothes or shoes, it can cause pain. Fibroma of the joints during the motion also causes aching pain.


Upon detection of growth must consult a doctor. Self-diagnosis and especially self-treatment is not necessary to deal. Fibroids experiencing a constant pressure can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Specialist makes a diagnosis based on external examination. There are many entities, only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a histological study, which establishes the purity of the tumor.

This involves biopsy – a part of the fabric of the tumors for further study. No other study (examination, CT, x-ray, MRI,blood tests or urine) do not give as accurate result regarding the composition of the neoplasm, as histological examination.


If the fibroid isn't uncomfortable, the treatment it requires, since it is benign and grows slowly. At constant mechanical stress on the fibroma on the foot (especially plantar fibroma), the tumor should be removed. Also at the request of the patient the fibroid is removed, if it is a significant external defect. Removal can be performed in different ways:

  • By cryotherapy (removal of the liquid nitrogen. If cryotherapy does not work, use therapy with corticosteroids (anti-hormonal agents that eliminate inflammation, pain).
  • Laser removal.
  • Removal of the radio waves.
  • The surgical removal.

Laser and radio wave removal do not require long-term rehabilitation and reduce the risk of relapse.