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What causes leukemia?

Leukemia refers to cancer. This disease of the hematopoietic system, which leads to the fact that normal blood cells, particularly leukocytes, are gradually replaced with abnormal cells. Accordingly, these cells do not perform the usual function of white blood cells, and this is inevitably reflected in many bodies. Thus, leukemia blood leading to systemic disorders in the body.

Manifestations of leukemia

  • Reduction of resistance to infections,
  • The deterioration of blood clotting and wound healing,
  • Fatigue,
  • Headaches,
  • Swollen lymph nodes,
  • Unmotivated rise in temperature.

Why develop leukemia?

temperatura Causes of leukemia are the same as any other cancer. The body is some kind of "system" error, which leads to the formation of abnormal, i.e. cancerous cells. These cells are pretty aggressive. They quickly multiply, forming a tumor. Thus they are very easily separated from the tumor and from the blood or lymph fall into the most different organs and systems, forming additional tumor metastases. To perform the functions of healthy cells, abnormal cells can not. Therefore, there are different problems in the body, which it gradually destroys.

In leukemia, pathological processes begin in the bone marrow, which produces the "wrong" blood cells. According to one source, the reason for this process are changes in the structure of chromosomes. According to others, the cause is the presence in the body of specific cells. However, as chromosomal abnormalities and the presence of dangerous cells, not all people cause the development of leukemia. Most likely, these factors cause a predisposition to the disease, and manifest it or not depends on the protective forces of the body and from exposure to precipitating factors.

Although the presence of precipitating factors very differently affects different people. Take, for example, such factor as Smoking. Any doctor will tell you that smokers have a much higher risk of developing cancer. However, not all smokers suffer from cancer, and among non-smokers a lot of cancer patients. It turns out that at the moment science can not yet answer the question of why the development of leukemia. The allocation of the same precipitating factors are based on observations and statistical calculations.

That can trigger leukemia?

Disease leukemia may receive a boost to its development when the body is weak or vulnerable. Then any of their risk factors as if presses the trigger, and starts the division of cancer cells.

Risk factors:

  • Smoking,
  • Poisoning with chemical compounds
  • Exposure to high doses of radiation,
  • Infection with human T-lymphocytic virus
  • Some blood diseases, for example, myelodysplastic syndromes,
  • Improper diet (foods that contain preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives),
  • Genetic predisposition.

Theoretically, the genetic predisposition to start disease may even a small problem:

  • Any infectious disease,
  • A lot of stress
  • Fatigue.

All this can greatly reduce the immune system. In a weakened organism cancer cells easily start their destructive work. A strong, healthy body is usually to cope with pathological processes. Perhaps for this reason, not all who are predisposed to leukemia, have the disease.

Psychosomatic causes

stress There is an opinion that the main cause of cancerdisease is an internal emotional state, that is, his psychological state. The feeling of uselessness, loneliness, which occurs in some people with changing life situations, may lead to a significant decrease in protective forces of an organism and development of disease.

If we talk about the children (leukemia in the acute form, is very common among this group of patients, it is possible that they have such a negative feeling due to the substitution of many modern parents true love only material concern. The child bought the best of everything in large quantities instead just once again to talk, to play with him, sing a song at night or read them a story.

Finally I want to reiterate that by far the science can not yet explain the cause of cancer, including the cause of leukemia.