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Lipoma in the breast: causes, symptoms and treatment

Talc can occur in different places, at different ages, both men and women. According to statistics, women Wens occur slightly more often than men, due to the possible reasons for their development. Many women with self-palpation of the Breasts notice the resulting seal, and, turning to the doctor, hear a diagnosis like "breast lipoma". According to medical statistics, this diagnosis is found in ten percent of all cases of detected nodular formations in the breast.

What is a lipoma?

Lipoma of the breast refers to a benign tumor of the breast, the lump is composed entirely of fatty tissue accumulates in one place and forming a seal. Lipoma can have their localization in various parts of the human body. In most of the breast is a large number of subcutaneous fat, which is the source of talc, forming favorable conditions for the emergence and formation of lipomas.

lipoma v grudiIn a society made to believe that Wen occurs only in people who have a large number of overweight, but this statement is extremely incorrect. In any case, regardless of the presence of excess weight in the body is present body fat, someone in bigger, someone to a lesser extent.

Wen is oval or round in shape, while having a soft consistency, with the flexibility and mobility of education. The size of lipoma in the breast is most often equal to one centimeter, but there are exceptions, then the resulting education can reach a diameter of ten inches, but these dimensions are rather the exceptions.

The resulting lipoma in the breast gland can develop, and eventually change their size, mainly in a big way. As a rule, the growth of the Wen is a long and slow process that is not accomplished in one day or month.

Many scientists have proposed the hypothesis that lipomas of the breast can transform from a benign tumor to malignancy, but these are isolated cases, as he Wen only consists of cells, which are characteristic of the organism.


lipoma v grudiThe main reason for the emergence and development of lump in the breast is the incorrect growth of the cells, which may occur in consequence of the following prerequisites:

Firstly, the cause may be arising in the body disorders associated with fat metabolism, because of the overabundance of fat cells, may occur a failure in the endocrine system and adrenal glands, in consequence of which can be triggered by the formation of white bumps.

The second cause of lipomas of the breast are changes associated with hormonal background. According to statistics, the detection of lipomas in women often occurs after forty-five years, due to restructuring in hormonal background, in anticipation of menopause.

Thirdly, heredity also plays a role in the formation of lipomas, especially in cases of Wens not a single number, says it is about the hereditary factor in the occurrence.

It is also possible to cause the appearance of lipomas on the sternum in women can be unhealthy lifestyle, reduced physical activity, prolonged diet and dietary restrictions, alcohol abuse and Smoking.

Symptoms and diagnosis

As a rule, lipomas have no symptoms and are detected during a random inspection. But if education develops and grows, there are unpleasant sensations and discomfort in the area of occurrence of Wen. Upon detection of nodularformations or the appearance of pain syndrome should not delay going to the doctor – mammologist.

For accurate diagnosis, the doctor performs palpation of the breast, determining the exact location and form of education. To confirm the diagnosis should undergo ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Then, you must undergo biopsy to conduct a histological analysis of lipoma and to identify what is a tumor: benign or malignant.


After accurate diagnosis, prescribes treatment breast lipomas of the anterior chest wall. Typically, the first method is used to monitor the development or disappearance of Wen. The woman needs every two to three months to undergo ultrasound examination of the chest and consultation with a mammologist. If within six months, lipoma progresses or stays the same diameter, doctors prescribe surgical removal of the lipomas.

To summarize, we can say that when the first symptoms and the appearance of discomfort in the chest area, you should consult a doctor to conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and setting an accurate diagnosis, choose tactics of treatment.