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What is the tumor marker SCC?

Tumor markers or tumor markers are certain substances in the human body that help to diagnose a variety of serious diseases, most of which is Oncology. The concentration of substances in the human body has its own normal limits at higher values, you can suspect the development of cancer in humans. In addition to malignant tumors tumor markers can detect other diseases.

Diagnosed patients are not put on the basis of a single analysis requires a whole series of tests, after which must be tested, allowing to carry out differential diagnostics. One widely used tumor markers is the SCC tumor marker. With its help it is possible to identify cervical cancer in women.

Characterization of the tumor marker SCC

onkomarker sccThe tumor marker SCC is a glycoprotein, the allocation of which comes from the tissues of carcinoma of the cervix women (squamous cell). This antigen is contained in the flat epithelium. The change of concentration takes place in accordance with the stage of malignancy and its size. A higher concentration of antigen decreases the favorableness of the prognosis for the patient.

The SCC tumor marker may be elevated not only in cancer of the cervix. This antigen may indicate other forms of squamous cell carcinoma. This may be malignant disease of the esophagus, lung cancer, skin cancer, cancer of the intestine. Because on the basis of one analysis, the diagnosis of the disease is not carried out.

As a screening study to detect early stage carcinoma of the cervix or other types of carcinomas, this analysis is not recommended. For the detection of cervical cancer more appropriate to use Cytology (PAP smear). This is due to the low sensitivity of this analysis, and not high enough specificity.

It is more practical to apply a monitoring of the tumor marker with the purpose of studying the condition of patients with cancer and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment of cancer patients.


Special training in the analysis from the patient is not required. For the analysis, doing the blood sampling, which is carried out in the morning. Before analysis the patient for at least 4 hours must not eat. After no more than 2 hours, the serum should be studied.

The norm of a SCC tumor marker values are 2.0-2.5 ng/ml. up To 5% of cases of possible false positive results. This is due to inadequate blood sampling, non-sterile container. Because it is important that the analysis was conducted in accordance with the regulations.


Transcript of SCC tumor marker should be performed by a specialist, since their own the patient is not able to draw conclusions. Sensitivity analysis in the detection of cervical cancer is 10-54 % in the early stages, the development of tumor sensitivity increases. Sensitivity in the diagnosis of recurrences is higher (96 %). Sensitivity in the diagnosis of carcinomas of another type is 15 to 60 %.

onkomarkerDue to the low sensitivity required repeated tests for some time. Also higher concentration of this antigen may indicate the following benign diseases and pathologies:

  • inflammation of the lungs;
  • psoriasis, eczema;
  • lichen planus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute respiratory disease;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • chronic liver failure;
  • atopic dermatitis.

Diagnosis and treatment

fabrics">After analysis showed a high concentration of antigen, the patient is sent for further examination. The diagnosis of cancer cervix using cytological examination of tissue. Perform additional examination of the patient.

After the disease was diagnosed accurately, patients assigned a treatment, which is chosen individually. Often, the treatment is carried out comprehensively. This can be a surgical procedure with subsequent application of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Can also be used other methods of treatment of the disease. It all depends on the type of cancer, size, education, growth, and presence of metastasis.

During treatment, continually use the analysis of the tumor marker SCC, which effectively allows you to control the treatment process and adjust it as necessary. Detection of disease recurrence is also likely to happen with a blood antigen.