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Tumor markers to detect cancer of the gastrointestinal tract

Cancer of the gastrointestinal tract, unfortunately, not uncommon. In recent years, physicians tend to increase the incidence and note that cancer "younger". The sooner you start treatment, the better the chances of its success. For early detection of diseases, early diagnosis is important. Today there are effective methods to identify this problem, one of the most simple and reliable analysis of blood serum for the tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tumor markers are substances produced by tumor cells since their development. They are special proteins that can be detected in the urine, in the blood of people with cancer pathology. Using this analysis, you can also assess the effectiveness of treatment to identify possible recurrence.

Tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract

For the detection of cancer of the stomach or intestines blood tests that can detect the presence of tumor markers of the gastrointestinal tract. Some of them are evidence of the localization of the malignant process in a certain place, others speak of the presence of any type of tumor.

onkomarkery zheludochno-kishechnogo traktaAll tumor markers quite a lot. Generally there are some risk factors for age or presence of trigger factors, suspicion of cancer. Then depending on the symptoms can be assigned to the analysis of a particular kind of token. For example, what is the tumor marker shows stomach cancer? If you have problems with the stomach or adverse family history of prescribed analysis to determine mezinarodniho cancer antigen (CA-15,3), which is increased in malignant tumors of the stomach. There are certain age groups who have increased risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, bowel cancer affects more often people over the age of 50 years, so the preventive examination of such patients it is advisable to conduct a blood test for tumor markers of inflammation in the intestines.

For detection of cancers of the digestive tract are used most often the following:

  • CA 72-4 and LASA-P – common tumor markers of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • CEA is an antigen which is a marker of colon tumor,
  • CYFRA 21-1 is the marker of rectal tumor,
  • CA-125 evidence of a neoplasm in the sigmoid colon,
  • CA 242, CA 19-9 indicate the presence of tumors in the colon and rectum,
  • AFP – alpha-fetoprotein – tumor marker of the sigmoid and rectum.

The analysis of the blood is determined by the number of tumor markers, a significant excess of permissible limits may be evidence of the presence of cancer. However, many markers are nonspecific, so definitive diagnosis is insufficient to determine tumor markers in cancer of the stomach and intestines, you need a comprehensive diagnosis.

Indications for research

  • The primary and prognostic diagnosis of cancer of the stomach and intestines,
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment
  • Monitoring of recurrence and metastasis.

Analysis for tumor markers of gastric cancer allows to identify in blood plasma specific antigen CA 72-4, which is produced by tumors such as carcinoma and is most often localized in the stomach, intestines or ovaries. The diagnostic sensitivity of this test is the range from 28 to 80%, and, as far as elevated tumor marker of stomach depends on the stage of the disease. Marker CA 72-4 is the most sensitive to recurrence, however, an accurate diagnosis is necessary to apply an integrated analysis with other markers.

Conduct research on tumor markers of the stomach in all laboratories. The patient just need to donate blood. Special training it is not necessary, the only restriction is you can't smoke to blood sampling for at least half an hour.

Whatgives analysis?

The most informative analysis is responsible for tumor markers in monitoring of treatment results. The increase during chemotherapy or radiation therapy signals the death of the tumor and the success of treatment. If these values increase after the end of treatment or after surgery to remove the tumor, it means that she is active, and require additional or other treatment.