Home / Tumor marker / Should I get tested for tumor markers of cervical without evidence?

Should I get tested for tumor markers of cervical without evidence?

Molecules that the human body produced during cancer are called tumor markers. Elevated levels of most of these molecules do not always indicates the presence of a tumor. In addition, normal levels of tumor marker in blood does not exclude the presence of cancer. Use the analysis for tumor markers for assessment of survival and monitoring of treatment and detection of recurrence.

Cervical tumor is a disease which is the most frequent cause of death among women of 25-60 years.


ginekologicheskij osmotrOften with a simple gynecological examination is not always possible to detect a tumor, particularly in the early steel. Therefore, use of additional diagnostic techniques:

  • Analysis on HPV, which statistically is the cause of development of such tumors in 99% of cases.
  • Smear on Cytology.
  • Colposcopy.
  • A biopsy of the cervix.
  • Laparoscopy.
  • A vaginal ultrasound.
  • CT of the pelvis.

What is SCC Main serological tumor marker for cervical cancer is the squamous cell carcinoma antigen. This polypeptide or protein, the level of which increases with the presence and development of some cancer processes.

How to prepare for testing for tumor markers?

  • analiz na onkomarkeryFor 8-12 hours before the test is not.
  • Do not smoke on the day of analysis, and does not drink alcoholic beverages for 3 days before it.
  • Do not eat heavy meals within three days.
  • To stop taking of the medication than is necessary.
  • To limit physical activity.

To take between 7 and 11 hours. Is it possible to take tumor markers during menstruation? Concentrations of most tumor markers is not increased during menstruation. The exception is CA 125 used in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

The rate of tumor marker for cervical

The norm of the marker SCC is considered to be a value approximately 2.5 ng/ml. At rates more than normal, and the absence of metastasis to neighboring lymph nodes, in patients with stages 1B and 2A, may be a relapse. Increasing the level of antigen associated with tumor development, speaks of a worse prognosis of survival of the patient.

The advantages of analysis at SCC

  • The SCC level in the blood depends on the stage and size of tumor.
  • It can be used to assess its aggressiveness and accordingly the prognosis of survival of the patient.
  • If ongoing treatment is successful, the level in the blood decreases rapidly, as shows the effectiveness of the treatment.


analiz na onkomarkeryThe tumor marker has a low specificity. The concentration of this antigen is increased in a number of oncological and non-oncological diseases. He also has a low sensitivity, for example, only 10% of women diagnosed with early stage cancer, increases blood levels of SCC. Indications for the test. There have been cases when a woman may not have symptoms of cancer and not to conduct any additional diagnostic procedures, was tested for SCC and received a negative result, made a conclusion about the absence of her cancer. After that, she developed symptoms of the cancer and then, after passing additional tests, a diagnosis of cancer is still raised. As it turns out. The fact that specifically in this case, tumors did not develop this antigen. Therefore, due to non-specificity of the analysis, the test for SCC is recommended only when indicated and not as a screening examination. These indications are:

  • Additional diagnostics in case of suspected cancer.
  • Cancer treatment, performance evaluation, future planning.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma, the prognosis of treatment success.
  • After cancer diagnosisrelapse.

SCC can also be increased in such diseases:

  • Cancer of the esophagus,
  • Of the mouth,
  • Easy,
  • Rectum,
  • Some types of tumors which are localized in the head and neck: larynx, nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx.

Level Snige norms is normal. If the cancer is, and the level of the tumor marker is still lowered it is possible that the tumor does not produce this antigen, or have not had time to develop.

A low level can also talk about the success of ongoing treatment. In some benign diseases can also revealed elevated levels of SCC. This skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema and others. Renal failure, hepatic failure. Lung disease: tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, asthma, tumor markers Which indicate cancer of the cervix in addition to SCC.

CEA. Is an oncofetal protein that is produced by some epithelial cells.

Increased levels in cancer: colon, ovarian, uterine, prostate, bronchus, lung, breast, stomach and glandular cancer of the cervix.

Not related to cancer: Smoking, liver failure and other liver diseases, inflammation of the pancreas, ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis, benign cyst of ovary, cyst of the breast.

Cyfra-21-1. This tumor marker is a soluble fragment of a protein of epithelial cells. Elevated in cancer: ovarian, rectal cancer, cancer of the esophagus and uterine throat.In non-cancer diseases: some diseases of the kidney, liver, fibrosis of the lung.