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A tumor of the uterus. How can you recognize?

Sometimes it happens that some body cells change their properties and start to divide uncontrollably. Of these abnormal cells develop tumor formation. Female sexual organs, particularly the uterus, quite often become a place of localization of the tumors. Tumor of the uterus can be placed in any of its parts to be of different nature. Depending on, what kind of cells form a tumor it could be benign or malignant.

Signs of uterine tumors

Signs of distress are considered to be lower abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities, irregularities in the neighboring uterus organs. However, very often these symptoms begin to manifest when the tumor is already large. Therefore, diagnosis of tumors is often delayed, which leads to problems with treatment. A good opportunity for timely diagnosis of cancer are regular checkups by a gynecologist.

Benign tumors

Most tumors are benign. They grow quite slowly, do not germinate in the neighboring organs and tissues. Abdominal pain caused by a benign tumor of the uterus, arise from the fact that it exerts pressure on adjacent organs, constricts the blood vessels or pressure on the nerve endings.

Types of benign tumors of the uterus:

  • Cyst
  • Fibroma,
  • Fibroids.

A cyst is a hollow formation with liquid inside. As a rule, such a tumor should be removed, because it is a high risk of torsion legs cysts and necrosis, infection of its content. In addition, there is the possibility of degeneration of the cyst to a malignant tumor.

What causes the development of cysts?

Quite often there is pain in the lower abdomen, disturbed menstrual cycle. One of the common consequences of the cysts of the uterus are hemorrhage, which may coincide with the menstrual or occur in the intervals between periods. If the cyst reaches a large size, it significantly increases the stomach.

The significant size of the tumor can lead to the fact that it will put pressure on the bladder or bowel. Then there is a violation of urination or bowel function.

Fibroma and myoma is a tumor developing from the muscular layer of the uterus. The symptoms of uterine tumors in this case are the same as in the case of cyst. The most characteristic symptom of a fibroid or fibroids are excessive bleeding, which in the process of tumor growth becomes more abundant.

If the tumor is small and does not have a tendency to rapid increase, the main method of treatment can be monitored, which will allow you to take action if necessary. It is also possible conservative or surgical treatment.

Malignant tumors

vidy opuholejThe tumor is called malignant (cancerous), in contrast to the benign, grow rapidly. In addition, they put pressure on the surrounding organs and tissues, they germinate in them, damaging and disrupting organ function. The greatest danger of malignant tumors that they form metastases, i.e. additional, often multiple, foci. This is because cancer cells can spread throughout the body through the blood and lymph.

The symptoms of malignant uterine tumors is very similar to the symptoms of cysts, fibroids or fibroids. In order to diagnose what kind of tumor, perform special tests. It can be the PAP smear, biopsy.

For the treatment of malignant tumors mainly used in surgical treatment. As a preparatory therapy, postoperative, and sometimes primary, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

It should be borne in mind that no tumors develop inhealthy people. As a rule, various kinds of infections, inflammatory diseases precede the appearance of tumors. A significant role in the development of malignant tumors of the uterus plays a human papilloma virus, sexually transmitted diseases.