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Nutrition after chemotherapy

In cancer treatment, chemotherapy has an important place. The method has many contraindications. Some of them – the loss of appetite, disruption in the gastrointestinal tract. What should be the diet after chemotherapy? Do you need additional fortification? How to raise the immune system after chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy and its consequences

The method is based on special chemicals that destroy cancer cells. These substances potent poisons. So side effects after chemotherapy frequent. The severity of the painful phenomena depends on the state of the organism, type of drugs, doses.

Common side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fatigue;
  • violation of stool (constipation, diarrhea);
  • changing the taste;
  • the aversion to food.

For successful treatment it is assigned to the chemotherapy should go completely. But loss of appetite and, as a consequence, reducing the amount of food leads to a lack of nutrients in the body. The patient loses weight. Already weakened, the body collapses. It may happen that the chemotherapy will need to interrupt. The effectiveness of the treatment decreases. It is therefore extremely important regular meals during chemotherapy.

Nutrition during and after chemotherapy: basic principles

A properly chosen diet during chemotherapy will allow physicians to bring the course to the end, to minimize side effects, prevent many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to return a lost appetite?

1) You should be eating regardless of your mood and your desires. Move to the margins of consciousness the concept of "like it or not". It is necessary to eat.

2) Chop the meals. Eat small portions but often.

3) Discard liquid during meals. Drink an hour after and half an hour before a meal.

4) Try to eat when hungry. Keep always at hand something good to eat.

5) If you do not want to eat, instead of solid food drink broth and juice.

6) Choose those products that contain the maximum amount of calories in a small volume. For example, nuts.

How to "make friends" with altered taste?

1) Eat attractive food, with a pleasant smell.

2) When you see aversion to food choose alternative options.

3), to give the dish the desired flavor, use sauces, mayonnaise, condiments, marinades and other amplifiers of the smell. But use them in extreme cases and in small quantities.

4) Food at room temperature has a milder flavor.

How to handle food?

Float, boil, braise; when mucosae – wipe through a sieve.

To restore the immune system and mitigate the side effects, additionally take vitamins after chemotherapy.

Nutrition after chemotherapy: a healthy diet

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Daily recommended to include in the diet foods from four major groups:

  • protein;
  • breast;
  • bread and cereals;
  • the fruit and vegetable.

Protein foods group is:

  • soy in any form;
  • meat;
  • peas and beans;
  • fish and eggs;
  • liver and nuts.

The optimal amount of protein products 120-180 grams a day.

Milk group foods is:

  • fresh yogurt and fermented baked milk;
  • cheese and cottage cheese;
  • yogurt and milk;
  • natural yogurt and butter.

Preferred dairy products are rich in bifidobacteria. They help the intestinal flora to return to normal. While the calcium contained in them, helps blood formation.

Fruit and vegetable group of products is:

  • all kinds of vegetables fresh, steamed, boiled or stewed;
  • all kinds of fruits (especially those rich in vitaminC);
  • natural juices;
  • greens;
  • dried fruits.

Daily four to five servings of vegetables and fruits.

Bread-cereal group foods is:

  • bread;
  • cereals and cereal products;
  • cereals;
  • biscuits (unsweetened);
  • "straw".

Bread and cereals – source of carbohydrates, energy, so necessary for recuperation after chemotherapy.
Vitamins after chemotherapy – any multivitamin complexes plus vitamin C (optional). Diet and choose restore therapy is necessary with consideration of the recommendations of a physician.