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Cancer of the lymph. How does it manifest itself?

In malignant changes of the healthy lymphatic cells cancer develops lymph. This cancer is found in two varieties: Hodgkin's lymphoma (lymphogranulomatosis) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. When Hodgkin's disease is found specific cells called cells Sternberg-reed. This disease is more common in young people, and the reason for it is unknown. In non-Hodgkin's lymphomas cancer develops due to malignant changes in lymphocytes.

The stage of lymphoma:

  • The first stage is characterized by lesions of one region of lymph nodes.
  • The second affected two or more areas of lymph nodes from one side of the diaphragm.
  • In the third stage, the affected lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm.
  • The fourth stage of the generalization process.

Symptoms of cancer lymph

limfo uzlyThe lymphatic system is so complex that it is very difficult to detect lymphoma in the early stages. The first and main symptom of cancer of the lymph is a swollen lymph node. However, swollen lymph nodes can be due to many other reasons so it is important that timely and proper diagnosis.

The first signs of trouble is an increase in nodes in the neck, groin and armpits. The increase in these units indicates a system process. Thus, they are usually painless, so some people do not pay attention to them. Cancer cells spread through the body through the blood and lymph, so they can appear anywhere. Increase the lymph nodes located in the abdominal cavity, in the chest. Further development of the process leads to the formation of metastases in the bones, liver, lungs.

Common symptoms of lymph cancer:

  • Malaise,
  • Weakness,
  • Reinforced night sweating,
  • Shortness of breath or cough,
  • Itching, ulceration on the skin.
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Weight loss,
  • The increase in body temperature,
  • Changes in the composition of the blood.
  • Pains in the bones and abdomen
  • Cramps,
  • The increase in the volume of the spleen.

Cancer of the lymphatic system starts not all the same. Often increase neck and the subclavian nodes. This increase is not accompanied by deterioration of health. Nodes, as mentioned above, is painless, but some patients may have pain in them after drinking alcohol. If the tumors grow quickly, they may merge into large areas.

fluorografiyaAnother option is the onset of the disease enlargement of lymph nodes of the mediastinum. In this scenario, there are chances of early diagnosis, as these tumors are detected during the next fluoroscopy. If the tumor is greatly increased, it makes itself known cough or shortness of breath, as it puts pressure on the bronchi. Rarely is there pain behind the breastbone. When the tumor in the lung tissue destruction are not accompanied by painful sensations.

Rarely the disease begins to damage colourfully lymph nodes. In this case, the patient experiences pain in the lumbar region, it is often night pain.

Sometimes there is acute onset of the disease. Occurs fever, night sweats, a rapid weight loss. At the same time, lymph nodes can not be increased.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

The presence of cancer cells in tissues is determined by biopsy. In addition it is used to diagnose computer and magnetic resonance tomography, x-ray radiography. These methods allow to determine at what stage of the disease, where tumors are located and what condition they're in. Also examine the marrow tissue to identify cancer cells.

Treatment methods is chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In heavycases perform bone marrow transplantation. Overall, the prognosis is favorable. In many cases a stable remission is possible and return the patient back to a normal lifestyle.