Home / Prostate cancer / When diagnosed with prostate cancer 4 degrees? Treatment and prognosis

When diagnosed with prostate cancer 4 degrees? Treatment and prognosis

Prostate cancer of 4 degrees is diagnosed when the tumor has already spread to other organs. This is usually bones, lungs and liver. With such a diagnosis, the predictions are extremely poor. Very rarely do patients live more than three years.

Features 4 stages

Rates of prostate cancer of 4 degrees:

  • the tumor has spread outside the body (on the muscles that control urination, pelvic wall or rectum);
  • lymph nodes affected by cancer cells;
  • distant organs affected by metastases.

Additional studies to determine the stage of cancer:

1. Radiological bone scan.

To determine the location of cancer cells in the bones. These are the bones most often affected at stage 4 of prostate cancer.

2. CT.

Helps to determine if lymph nodes of the pelvis.

3. Magnetic resonance imaging.

Allows you to spread if the tumor on the bladder and seminal vesicles.

4. Radiological scanning of the prostate.

To determine the area of spread of cancer cells.

5. A biopsy of the lymph nodes.

It can be biopsied during the operation, laparoscopy or needle aspiration biopsy.

Symptoms of prostate cancer of 4 degrees

The last stage of prostate cancer is characterized by lesions of the adjacent tissues, lymph nodes and distant organs. Therefore, there are nonspecific symptoms:

  • pain in the lower back and abdomen, perineum;
  • urinary incontinence or the inability to empty completely the bladder;
  • blood or other impurities in the stool or urine;
  • painful urination;
  • violations of the chair (with the defeat of the rectum) – constipation, incontinence, flatulence, involuntary discharge of gases;
  • poor appetite;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • General weakness, apathy;
  • weight loss.

Prostate cancer treatment grade 4.

At this stage complete cure is impossible. The main reason for the defeat of a tumor of the lymph nodes and distant metastasis. In many cases doctors do not even dare to do the operation. First, it is useless. Second, too many complications after removal of prostate.

diagnostikaProstate cancer treatment, 4th class aims at stopping tumor growth, improvement of the General condition of the patient. Main methods:

1. Radiation therapy.

The effects of radioactive radiation to destroy malignant cells.

2. Brachytherapy.

The kind of radiation therapy. Radioactive emitters are implanted directly into the tumor. So the sun hitting from the inside. And side effects much less.

3. Hormonal therapy.

This technique is used in cases when the use of other methods is not possible. There are different options of hormonal therapy. The main goal is the suppression of testosterone secretion, preventing its active tissue of the prostate. The method is effective only in the complex therapy.

4. Chemotherapy.

One of the main methods of cancer treatment in the later stages. The main goal is to stop the spread of metastases, to reduce pain. Chemotherapy administered to the patient in conjunction with other methods or used alone.
Projections for prostate cancer 4 degrees not optimistic. Modern medicine is unable to cure the disease completely. As a rule, life expectancy does not exceed three years. Under favorable conditions – up to five years.

Important components of successful treatment and longer life with this disease, both mental and physical health, support for family, positive emotions and faith. Everything will be fine.