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Treatment of prostate cancer. How to treat?

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor arising in most cases of glandular tissue. Today it is known that the risk of disease is directly linked to the quantity in the male body hormone testosterone than it is, the probability of tumor development is higher. Fortunately, prostate cancer is growing slowly, but has a tendency to metastasize. For this reason, prostate cancer treatment must be carried out in accordance with medical recommendations for each case will have its own.


The tumor in the prostate grows very slowly with the time of its occurrence until the last stage of the disease may take up to fifteen years. However, the main danger are metastases that can spread even from microscopic tumor and to impress such bodies:

  • lymph nodes,
  • pelvis, hips and spine
  • liver,
  • light,
  • the adrenal glands.

The risk of metastasis if the tumor itself can be removed surgically, all the metastases cannot be removed. The main symptoms that should alert man are:

  • blood in semen and urine
  • pain in the perineum,
  • frequent urination.

If the disease develops without symptoms, metastases in other organs will be felt. For patients in the later stages of the cancer intoxication characteristic unhealthy thinness, persistent pain, sallow complexion. You should know that the final diagnosis is not on the results of inspection, and the results of a special study biopsy.

The main treatment methods of prostate cancer

The main directions here are three:

  • drug: hormonal therapy, which reduces the rate of development of the disease
  • radiation reduces tumor growth and decreases the likelihood of metastasis,
  • surgical: removal of the tumor without metastases.

There are also folk remedies for prostate cancer they relate to adjuvant therapy.

Folk remedies for prostate cancer

It is believed that every fifth man after the age of forty-five years is at risk. The reason for that and the increased secretion of testosterone, resulting from harmful industrial impacts, malnutrition or excessive sexual activity.

In addition to pharmacological methods, may also be prostate cancer treatment folk remedies. Basic recipes are as follows:

  • hop cones and 40% alcohol in the ratio of 4:1, infused in the cool within a month. Take a tincture three times a day before meals for forty drops at a time,
  • fresh catkins willow poured 96% alcohol and within a month store in a cool dark place
  • tablespoon of crushed licorice root pour 500 ml of cold boiled water. The mixture boil 10 minutes, insist to cool and filtered,
  • the flowers of meadowsweet (1 tbsp) pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, infused for four days and prorezyvatsja. To use this tool you need before eating for the entire day
  • chopped shoots of thuja 20 g pour 1 liter of boiling water. The solution was heated on a water bath for 15 min, and then cooled and filtered. Take thrice a day a glass. With dosages in this case, experiment is impossible, because thuja is considered a poisonous plant,
  • inflorescences Ivan-tea cut finely and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

Medical methods of treatment of prostate cancer

Sometimes even professionals can be difficult to determine what is the optimal treatment of prostate cancer should be assigned to the patient. Common standards in medical practice since there are a sufficient number ofmedical research and statistics of the effectiveness of any method. When choosing treatment regimens take into account the following factors:

  • the age of men,
  • the risk of complications
  • stage of the disease,
  • possible duration of the period without recurrences
  • the wishes of the patient.

vid raka prostataAmong the main methods we can also mention watchful waiting. In this case the treatment is not performed as long as the tumor does not grow and does not change its localization. Most often this approach is feasible for older men with concomitant severe diseases. The patient is under constant medical supervision performed ultrasound of the prostate and study the level of PSA the blood.

But the main method of treatment is surgery for prostate cancer. This surgery is called radical prostatectomy. Modern operations are performed with minimal blood loss. In addition, after they are saved and sexual function, and the function of the urinary sphincter. The prognosis of survival, which statistically is more than 80% may deteriorate due to sprouting and metastasis of lymph node.

The use of radioactive elements for destruction of malignant tissue is called radiation therapy for prostate cancer. The irradiated cells are not reproduced and die. However, today this method is used only in cases where surgery is contraindicated. By the way,

  • interstitial radiation therapy (brachytherapy): the radiation comes from within, this loss of healthy tissue is minimal,
  • the "normal" method involves working from the outside.

Almost always prostate cancer is gormonalnozawisimae tumor. Accordingly, it can be an effective antiandrogen therapy. Its effectiveness is in the range of 70-80%. This method of treatment is palliative, that is shown when it is impossible other.

Among the very common ways you can also note:

  • cryotherapy: the destruction of tumor tissues as a result of exposure to low temperatures. The best results are achieved if the swelling was initially small in size, and if the intervention is combined with blocking hormonal agents,
  • surgical castration.

    Today the choice of treatment is carried out not only on the recommendations of the attending physician, but the patient's wishes.