Home / Cervical cancer / Why develop and how to manifest cancer of the cervix?

Why develop and how to manifest cancer of the cervix?

zhivotTo date, cancer of the uterus is one of the most common malignant pathology in women. The number of cases grows every year. Even 100 years ago, this pattern was not observed. Many scientists are inclined to think that the growth of malignant diseases of female sexual sphere is that women have less to give birth, and our sex life became more chaotic.

One of the "youngest" of oncological diseases among women was cervical cancer. Statistics is relentless: three out of four women with this diagnosis are in reproductive age. Not uncommon cancer of the cervix among nulliparous young women who are 20-30 years. As the prevalence of this disease in second place after breast cancer. And the very sad numbers: 8 thousand women in Russia die each year from it.

However, the disease develops gradually, he has the initial stages, which are easily diagnosed. That is, cervical cancer can be prevented or completely cured at the early stages.

Causes of cervical cancer


  • Chlamydia,
  • Papillomavirus,
  • The herpes virus
  • Cytomegalovirus.

Inflectional theory is the lead in identifying the causes of cancer of the uterus. It is supported by the facts of detection of patients with these microorganisms. Especially dangerous are recognized by certain types of human papillomavirus.


  • Early sexual debut,
  • Frequent change of sexual partners,
  • Irregular sexual life,
  • Smoking,
  • Low socio-economic status.

The above listed items probably can be attributed to risk factors that were identified during the study of the disease.


In some families, cancer of the cervix in women is repeated in several generations. In this case, the most likely cause be a chromosomal change or mutation of cells, is inherited.

The symptoms of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer develops from the epithelial cells of this part of the uterus, that is, of those cells that the cervix is covered. The tumor most often appears on the background of the so-called precancerous lesions, which damage the mucosa.

Precancerous conditions:

  • Cervical dysplasia,
  • Erosion,
  • Warts,
  • Long-term inflammatory processes
  • Scars after abortion or childbirth.

The process develops with different speed. From the first appearance of pre-cancerous manifestations to their transformation into cancer, it may take from 2 to 15 years. The disease develops much faster: 1-2 year need cancer to spread to surrounding tissue, adjacent organs and go into the last stage.

Drawing attention to some symptoms, a woman should immediately go to the doctor, because even seemingly minor glitches in the body can be a serious signal.

What you need to pay attention:

  • Abnormal bleeding and abdominal pain,
  • Spotting between periods,
  • Too profuse menstrual bleeding,
  • Bleeding during intercourse or after it,
  • Bleeding during menopause.

bol v zhivoteThese are the symptoms that may be early or middle stages of the disease. If she continues without treatment, then there are problems with urination due to compression of the ureter. Compression of the lymphatic vessels lead to lymph congestion and swelling in the legs. The pain spread to the whole pelvis, crossing the hip. This symptom may indicate that the cancer process spread to surrounding tissue, nerve plexus, intestines.

In the later stages is the destruction of lymphatic capillaries, which appear waterydischarge from the vagina. The decay of the tumor at the last stage a purulent foul-smelling discharge.

Of course, it is long and asymptomatic. This again confirms the necessity of regular visits to the gynecologist for preventive examinations and tests. Because quite often, cervical cancer is detected that is for checkups. The analysis, called a PAP test that can detect precancerous cell changes of the cervix in the early stages.


The main method of surgical treatment. In the process of surgery removes the uterus, in some cases, are removed more lymph nodes in the pelvic area. Radiation therapy may be as an independent method of treatment, and supplementing the operation. Chemotherapy for cervical cancer restrictions apply.

Treatment prognosis of this disease in the early stages is favorable, possible full recovery. Later is not always possible to achieve the desired results.