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Cervical cancer stage 3

Cervical cancer is a malignant disease. However, its appearance can be prevented because the first preceded by a prolonged precancerous process. This disease is not inherited and occurs because of human papillomavirus. Basically, this disease affects women in middle and old age. However, it occurs among young people.

Provoking factors of cervical cancer:

      1) when you start sexual activity before the age of sixteen;
      2) pregnancy and childbirth at the age of sixteen years;
      3) long lasting endometriosis, dysplasia, erosion on the cervix;
      4) the transfer of a large number of abortions;
      5) the existence of problems in the form of inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases;
      6) the presence of harmful habits (Smoking, alcohol);
      7) taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time without a break;
      8) lowered immunity;
      9) deficiency of vitamins a and C in the body;
      10) poor personal hygiene;
      11) frequent change of sexual partners;

Cervical cancer is divided into four stages depending on the places of distribution of this disease. Usually the tumor appears on the background of precancerous lesions. From pre it goes into cancer for a period of from two to fifteen years. And the period of transition from the initial stage to the final stage for a year or two.

Cervical cancer stage 3 is divided into 3A, 3b and 3C stage.

  • 3A stage cervical cancer where the tumor has already spread to the wall of the pelvis, the visible irregularities in the functioning of the kidneys and also affected the third part of the lower part of the vagina.
  • Stage 3b cervical cancer in which the affected part of the lower third of the vagina a tumor, but cancer cells have not spread to the pelvic wall, and the kidneys perform their function in normal mode.
  • Stage 3b cervical cancer, in which cancer cells have already spread to the pelvic wall. It is possible to develop hydronephrosis or occurrence of irregularities in the functioning of the kidneys.

Cervical cancer stage 3 is resistant to treatment.

Cervical cancer grade 3 includes three options.

      1. Parametrului option, in which cancer cells infiltrate the tissue parametrului with only one or both sides to the pelvic wall.
      2. Vaginal option, in which cancer cells infiltrate the walls of the vagina, in its lower third part.
      3. Metastatic method in which the wall of the pelvis detected a dense tumor formation in the presence of a gap between them and the uterus.

Stage 2 cervical cancer is characterized by malignant tumors is still not very large. Because the walls of the pelvis the tumor has not yet reached.

Stage 2 cervical cancer includes three options.

      1. Parametrului a variant in which the cancer infiltrates parametrului cell with only one or both sides, but the infiltration still do not reach the pelvic wall.
      2. Vaginal option, in which the cancer infiltrates the vaults of the upper and middle third of the vagina.
      3. Uterine option, in which cancer is transferred to the uterus.

reproductive organs. Restore a normal way of life it is likely, but full recovery can be made. And in the fourth stage of the disease survival is less than 10% of all cases of this disease women.

Prevent progression of the disease, and the appearance of the first symptoms, immediately consult a highly qualified specialist for help.