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Colon cancer with metastasis: treatments

rak tolstogo kishechnikaThere are a number of ailments, the likelihood of which depends on the age of the person. That's why some ailments considered to be children's, and other diseases of old age. The risk of certain diseases, the growth of the human body and developing his immune system is almost disappearing. But there is a group of diseases, the risk of which increases dramatically age. One of such diseases is cancer of the colon with metastasis, which in most cases affects people who have passed the fiftieth milestone.

As with any cancer, a malignant tumor of the intestine is a very terrible and insidious disease. Radical treatment required by this illness, does not guarantee full recovery: relapse can happen literally one surviving cancer cell. That is why people who were once diagnosed with cancer, and subsequently live as if in remission, periodically passing the necessary examinations.

But the most dangerous feature of this disease is the risk of secondary tumor foci. Occurrence in colon cancer metastases is a bad sign, because it greatly reduces the effectiveness of treatment of the disease.

It is important to know that the development of this cancer is not as rapidly as some other tumors. Also, be aware of what may develop colorectal cancer.

The types of colorectal cancer

Depending on where bowel occurs the tumor and some cells are transformed into malignant ones, there are the following types of colorectal cancer:

  • adenokarcinomaThe most common type is adenocarcinoma, which develops from degenerated glandular cells of the intestinal mucosa. When adenocarcinoma of the rectum metastases occur immediately. Approximately a period of two years the tumor grows, and then the degeneration of cells, while you, affect the lymph nodes and internal organs.
  • Much rarer adenocarcinoma, doctors have to treat carcinoid arising in the cells of the small intestine, responsible for the production of hormones.
  • Lymphoma is a type of cancer that develops from cells of the lymph. Most often, originating in the lymph nodes is the neoplasm, sometimes, due to the spread of metastases in the rectum or other part of the intestine, causing it tumor.
  • In the smooth muscle of the intestine, especially in its penetrating blood vessels may appear sarcoma.

The stage of the disease

Colorectal cancer develops in such a way that at first the tumor fills the intestine, and later grows into its walls. The symptoms of the disease are manifested more intensively than deeper sprouted a tumor. In this regard, there are the following stages of cancer:

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  • The first stage in the mucosa of the intestinal wall is formed a tumor size of two centimeters.
  • In the second stage, the tumor grows in the intestinal lumen and reaches five centimeters.
  • In the third stage, the tumor starts to grow deep into the intestinal wall, and affects the adjacent organs. Appear the Mets fall into the lymph nodes.
  • In the fourth stage of metastasis affect the liver, lungs, pelvic bone.

Thus, only at the third stage, the germination of cancer beyond the bowel. As with cancer of the rectum and colon adenocarcinoma metastases are also rarely impress neighbouring authorities at an earlier stage.

The symptoms of the disease

It is very important to diagnose the disease at an early stage, has not yet begun the process of metastasis. Forthis is vital to timely pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. And although the signs of this disease may be accompanied by some disease of the gastrointestinal tract, still if they are detected, the patient must consult a doctor to rule out the option of developing cancer.

diareya The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Flatulence and flatulence.
  • Painful, especially during bowel movements.
  • A certain amount of bleeding, mucus or pus in the feces.
  • Diarrhea or constipation, and sometimes intestinal obstruction.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Asthenia, weakness, increased sweating, slight increase in body temperature.
  • Disproportionate growth with total weight loss and loss of appetite.


If it was possible to identify disease at a stage when the tumor has not yet grown beyond the intestinal wall and did not hit other organs and metastases into the lymph nodes, doctors perform surgery and laparoscopy. But since professionals have to be absolutely sure that no part of the diseased tissue will remain in the body, most often, is required abdominal surgery, in fact it makes it possible to more objectively assess the degree of damage and completely cut off the tumor.

If, however, began the process of metastasis, the patient removes the lymph nodes located in the vicinity of the tumor focus, and also shows chemo - or radiotherapy at the discretion of the physician.

When the patient diagnosed with colon cancer or rectal cancer with metastasis in the fourth stage, the tumor is not always. Direct indication for this surgery is bowel obstruction. In most cases patient is prescribed chemotherapy for preservation of the tumor.