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Poorly differentiated cancer. What is it?

As you know, cancer has its own classification. Among these common and poorly differentiated cancer disease with characteristic located in cancer cells. Their main feature is the significant differences in cells within the same tumor. They have a nucleus of irregular shape and fragmented and unevenly distributed. In such a tumor is not found structures characteristic of normal tissues.

What is differentiation?

Under differentiation in cancer understand the degree of cell growth. So, a benign tumor vysokomehanizirovannoe, since its cells as to structure and function in ways similar to normal, healthy tissue.

But poorly differentiated cancer causes enormous changes in cellular structure sometimes they even don't allow to recognize what the tissue (a body) is so different. For undifferentiated cells characterized by rapid division is the division rate does not allow the cells to become "normal". Externally these cells are very similar to stem cells, which are maternal and subsequently passing several stages of division. In addition, this disease is characterized by a greater potential of malignancy.

Breast cancer

Mammary tumors can arise from epithelial (carcinoma) or connective tissues (sarcoma). They rarely occur in patients younger than 25 years. There are factors of predisposition to the disease:

  • negative heredity,
  • diseases affecting the ovaries,
  • later onset of menopause,
  • the lack of delivery,
  • obesity,
  • dishormonal state,
  • alcoholism,
  • prolonged exposure to carcinogens or radioactive substances,
  • long-term use of contraceptives based on estrogen.

One of the most aggressive is considered to be poorly differentiated breast cancer. He is able to affect not only lobules or ducts of the mammary glands, but also often grows in other organs and healthy tissue. For example, invasive ductal carcinoma can occur with relapses. In addition, it is characterized by metastasis that affects the axillary lymph nodes.

Lobular cancer is difficult to diagnose, since the density of the tumor in this case is small and almost does not differ from the surrounding tumor tissue.

Poorly differentiated cancer of the skin

Also found poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma most often affects the skin. For this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • easily traumatized sites and papules with vegetariani,
  • elements of the rash and bleeding,
  • ulcers or erosions with soft fleshy edges and nekrotizirovanne bottom
  • peel,
  • soft, red formations resembling cauliflower.

The tumor may be single, but there are multiple cutaneous manifestations. Be localized, such tumors can on the trunk, face or external genitalia. For nizkotemperaturnogo cancer is also characterized by metastasis to regional lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer

When the diagnosis of poorly differentiated gastric cancer cancer cells differ from parent cells. Be classified this disease can according to several indicators of the degree of destruction of the body, according to the structure of cells and the type of growth and form tumors.

Is called a disease of complex factors, for example, stomach ulcer, combined with a poor diet and Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. This disease can develop from ulcers, respectively, the symptoms will be completely identical. Early symptoms of this cancer can be:

  • strong aching pain in my stomach
  • nausea and vomiting, inability to normally absorb food
  • vomitingblood
  • liquid stool black,
  • anemia,
  • sudden weight loss.

vrachiTo confirm the diagnosis is biopsy. The prognosis depends on the stage which the disease is detected. If the tumor has not spread beyond the gastric mucosa, diagnosed the zero degree of the disease and the percentage of recovered is 90%. Further, the tumor can affect the mucous membrane and the lymph nodes located around the stomach and gastric muscle tissue. If to speak about the fourth stage of the disease, which affects the neighboring organs due to the spread of metastasis, the percentage of recovery is only 5%.

The main method of treatment is considered surgical. To increase the efficiency of operations is possible if to carry out chemotherapy and radiotherapy. To avoid diseases you can, if you regularly pass the necessary examinations.