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Stomach cancer stage 2

In the modern world with such a difficult environment people are much more likely to get sick oncological diseases of different organs. Stomach cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases that can develop in any division of this body and spread to the esophagus, lungs and liver.

What is stomach cancer? Unfortunately, in the early stages this disease does not manifest or masked by other existing illnesses.

Stomach cancer 2 degrees

Stomach cancer is the 2nd degree is also divisible by 2 And and 2 V.

2 And the degree of gastric cancer means:

      1) the tumor has not spread further than to the inner layer of the stomach and available cancer cells in three to six lymph nodes;
      2) or the tumor has spread to the muscle layer and one to two nearby lymph nodes;
      3) or the tumor has penetrated all the walls of the stomach, but had not yet spread to the lymph nodes.

2 To the power means:

      1) what is the tumor limited to the inner layer of the stomach and has spread to seven or more lymph nodes;
      2) or the tumor has penetrated the muscle layer and has spread to three to six lymph nodes;
      3) or the tumor has reached the outer layer of the stomach and has spread to one or two lymph node;
      4) or the tumour had spread beyond the outer layer of the stomach, but had not yet spread to the lymph nodes.

Stomach cancer is a serious disease that you should treat immediately, as this disease spreads rapidly and metastasizes to other organs, thereby significantly worsening the prognosis for recovery.

The main symptoms of stomach cancer

In the early stages of the disease with no distinct clinical manifestations. Arise merely local symptoms of cancer of the stomach.

      1. The lack of a sense of satisfaction from saturation food.
      2. A feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, dull pain.
      3. Reduced or absent appetite.
      4. The avoidance of heavy, mostly meat food.
      5. Limiting the amount of food.
      6. Sometimes the possible effects of dyspepsia: nausea, vomiting.

Common symptoms of stomach cancer:

      1. General weakness, fatigue, reduced efficiency.
      2. Unexplained weight reduction.
      3. A sedentary lifestyle.
      4. Depression, apathy to everything around him.
      5. At severe stages, the temperature in cancer of the stomach rises up to 38 degrees Celsius.
      6. Reduced level of hemoglobin.