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How to fight cancer of the lymph nodes?

rak limfouzlov Symptoms of cancer of the lymph nodes with a strong character are the increase in the size of cervical, axillary or inguinal lymph nodes. Other symptoms are increased sense of weakness and loss of appetite. As a result of systemic changes in the lymph nodes and begins to develop cancer response.

At the time of diagnosis of cancer of the lymph nodes, usually, the symptoms begin to worry the patient. These include pale skin (there is a risk of skin cancer), respiratory failure.

This type of cancer called "lymphoma" (the concept brings together several types of pathologies that can be attributed to the group of Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's and processes, which in abbreviated form is called NLP). Due to the fact that the symptoms of cancer of the lymph nodes of different types are similar to each other, to determine precise diagnosis is possible only after histological examination (or biopsy tissue).

In the period from 1980 to 2000 saw an increase in the incidence of lymphomas that account for the spread of HIV infection and development of AIDS-related pathologies.

Methods of treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes

biohimicheskij analiz kroviDiagnosis is possible during the inspection of the therapist. The main method of research is the biochemical analysis of blood. To instrumental methods of resolution of the diagnosis are ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. Biopsy of lymphoid tissue in order to confirm the diagnosis for the histological study.

Cancer of the lymph nodes is treated under a special scheme and has the feature consists in a significant percentage of recovery. It takes into account the relationship of the disease to any group. Is difficult to identify an obvious reason for the development of lymphomas types of NHL, although scientists suggest that it lies in the effects on the body some chemicals (especially pesticides and herbicides). The likely cause of the disease, as doctors say, can be exposed to viruses.

At risk are primarily the population aged 15-40 years (both men and women in the same respect) and the elderly.

In the process of treatment of cancer of the lymph nodes is used by all types of medical assistance to cancer patients: surgery, combination chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is especially necessary to know exactly all the lesions location in cancer of the lymph nodes. The effectiveness of the treatment increases with earlier treatment for help patient. The newest therapies include combination chemotherapy with subsequent stem cell transplantation of the donor, as with other types of cancer treatment, for example, cancer of the larynx.

Implications for patients with cancer of the lymph nodes

For cancer of the lymph nodes the prognosis is usually favorable, especially for early periods of diagnosis. All treatments occur in a hospital (with further outpatient observation).

Even in case of detection of developing cancer of the lymph nodes, the prognosis is quite positive (achieving a long remission up to 7 years).

At the same time treatment is certainly anti-fungal therapy. When using the latest efficient devices forecast will be much improved if the patient has cancer of the lymph nodes. When using a possible rise not only to a sustained remission, but also to restore normal living mode.