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Threat lung sarcoma. Is it possible recovery?

Lung sarcoma – malignant tumor of the mesoderm. It is a derivative of the third germ layer that gives rise to connective tissue. From other tumors, the sarcoma is characterized by rapid growth and early onset of metastasis. Among all malignant tumors in the lung sarcoma is rare. The frequency is 1%.

The types of sarcomas of the lung

vidy sarkom legkogoDepending on grade there are two types of sarcoma:

1) With a low degree of malignancy.

Formed from highly differentiated cells with low mitotic activity. That is, they are divided slowly. In these tumors a lot of little stroma and malignant elements.

2) With a high degree of malignancy.

Nizkoeffektivnyj are formed of cells, which rapidly and often share. Tumors contain little stroma and many malignant elements. They developed vascular network is present and foci of necrosis.

Sarcoma affects the part of the lobe (more often the upper), entire lobe or the whole lung.

Depending on the origin there are such types of sarcomas of the lung as:

  • angiosarcoma (vysokomehanizirovannoe tumor that affects the walls of blood vessel; most common form);
  • fibrosarcoma (a tumor with low degree of malignancy originating from connective tissue of the bronchi or the bronchi of the surrounding tissues);
  • liposarcoma (develops from fat);
  • neurosarcoma (appears in the connective tissue of nerve trunks);
  • lymphosarcoma (formed in the tissues of the lymph nodes);
  • chondrosarcoma (tumor that affects the cartilage);
  • leiomyosarcoma (a tumor from smooth muscle tissue);
  • rhabdomyosarcoma (education of transversely striped muscles).

The causes of sarcoma of the lung

Why develop a sarcoma, is unknown. Can only be called provocative factors common to all types of cancer. It

  • great content in the air of carcinogens;
  • Smoking;
  • genetic predisposition (heredity);
  • unfavorable environment;
  • impressive dose of radiation.

The symptoms of sarcoma of the lungs

The clinical picture of sarcoma of the lungs is almost the same as other forms of cancer of this organ. In the early stages of the tumor does not manifest itself. Although in some localizations, symptoms may appear in the first degree.

Clinical signs:

  • fatigue;
  • shortness of breath even with mild exertion;
  • dysphagia;
  • due to the stagnation of blood in the lung – hypertrophy of the right atrium and ventricle;
  • syndrome superior Vena cava (dizziness, headache, nausea, coughing, hoarseness, fainting, seizures, difficulty breathing, etc.);
  • pleurisy;
  • untreatable pneumonia;
  • dysphagia related to tumor invasion into the esophagus.

Diagnosis of sarcoma of the lung

Sarcomas are often detected accidentally during checkups. Bright clinical picture characteristic of the running process. To clarify the diagnosis carried out such research as:

  • a blood test (high ESR, anemia);
  • a chest x-ray (determined by the size and shape of the lung);
  • CT and magnetic resonance imaging (clarifying the shape, size and nature of the lesion);
  • the study of radioisotopes;
  • angiography (explores the circulatory system);
  • ECG (examines the state of the heart);
  • biopsy (to determine the histological type of the tumor).

Treatment of sarcoma of the lung


lechenie sarkomy legkogo1) surgical treatment.

Used in local affection. Successful operation is the key to a full recovery.

2) Chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic drugs can improve the quality of life of the patient.Assigned before surgery or after. Chemotherapy can be used as the only treatment for inoperable tumors.

3) Radiotherapy. Radiation therapy is used as part of complex treatment.

Prognosis depends on whether it was possible to carry out the operation. If the tumor is removed, there may be recovery.