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How cancer manifests itself?

Know that the smaller stage of the malignant process, the more chances to stop the disease or even fully recover from it. In order to detect cancer at an early stage scientists develop various methodologies and analyses, each of which is not cheap.

Signs of malignancy developing in different organs, vary greatly as they depend on the localization of the tumor, rate of growth, histological structure, stage of malignancy, comorbidities, and patient age and even gender. But to determine that the body that something is not right, you just need to be more attentive to your body. There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of malignancy of any organ.

The symptoms of a malignant process in the body

The main symptoms of cancer:

  • pain syndrome;
  • weight loss;
  • fever;
  • weakness and nausea;
  • change the condition of the hair and skin.

Severe pain often appears at the late stages of the malignant process (when a tumor affects the nerve endings). But in the initial stages of tumor development the patient may appear uncomfortable in any organ. Special attention should be given to painful sensations in the head, many people a long time to suppress the pain with analgesics, while the tumor is growing rapidly.

pohudanieQuick weight loss refers to the early symptoms of cancer. Rapid weight loss without apparent reason for several months – a very serious reason as quickly as possible to go to the doctor and get a complete medical examination. Explains the weight loss in malignant processes is the fact that cancer can synthesize biologically active substances which disturb normal metabolism in the body.

A fever without any other symptoms of disease is also a warning sign. The human immune system can respond to the presence of a malignant tumor fever at an early stage of the disease. In the later stages of the cancer an increased body temperature occurs due to chronic intoxication and serious metabolic disorders.

Since the tumor emits to the blood their waste products that poison the body, the patient may experience increasing weakness and constant nausea. Another reason for the weakness may be the anemia that develops in cases when the tumor invades into the blood vessels.

Another major symptom characteristic of cancer is the rapid change in the state of hair or skin. This happens due to the fact that the tumor disrupts the normal metabolic processes in the body.

Upon detection of these symptoms do not panic. They can be a signal of the body on a temporary health disorder, which can be quickly cured, or symptoms of hormonal disorders, infection or inflammation.

Symptoms of skin cancer

Symptoms of skin cancer vary depending on its shape and form. Basal cell skin cancer is slow-growing painless ulcers or tumors, which may be accompanied by itching. Squamous cell skin cancer is characterized by rapid tumor growth and extensive lesions of the deep layers of the skin. Symptoms of melanoma include itching and burning in the region of the tumor and its bleeding and oozing.

The symptoms of brain cancer

The most common symptoms of brain cancer:

  • headache;
  • difficulty walking, clumsiness;
  • cramps;
  • slurred speech;
  • blurred vision;
  • impaired attention and memory.

Symptoms of liver cancer

How does liver cancer:

  • increases the abdomen;
  • edema;
  • occur nasalbleeding;
  • develop jaundice;
  • you may feel pain in upper quadrant, lower back, or upper abdomen.

The initial stage of liver cancer is often asymptomatic, patients only complain about the weight loss and lack of appetite.

Lung cancer symptoms

bol v grudnoj kletkeLung cancer is divided into Central and peripheral forms. The Central form develops from the bronchi (the main, lobar or segmental). Develops from the peripheral bronchioles or parenchyma of the lungs.

To the early symptoms of the Central forms of lung cancer include:

  • hemoptysis;
  • pain in the chest;
  • cough that may be accompanied by the release of mucous, or purulent sputum;
  • shortness of breath.

The peripheral form of lung cancer for a long time develop symptoms. The first symptoms are: shortness of breath, chest pain and hemoptysis occur during germination of the tumor in adjacent organs and structures.

Symptoms of breast cancer

rak molochnoj zhelezyThere are several forms of breast cancer, each of which can occur in different ways:

  • the nodular form of breast cancer is determined by palpation as a dense rounded education, the outlines of which can be fuzzy due to sprouting in the surrounding tissue;
  • edematous form of breast cancer there is rapid increase in some portion of the breast, thickening and redness;
  • mastitis-like form is manifested by the increased density of certain area of the breast, edema and redness, increased body temperature;
  • when registeredowner cancer tumor is not palpable, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, the redness may spread to the entire chest;
  • when tubular cancer of the breast is reduced in size, her skin is compacted, the surface becomes uneven;
  • cancer Paget is localized in the area of the nipple and areola, symptom is ulceration of the nipple.

The symptoms of stomach cancer

The symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  • the lack of satiety of food;
  • dull pain in the upper abdomen;
  • loss of appetite, refusal of some common foods (especially meat and fish);
  • nausea and vomiting.

In cancer of the cardia of the stomach there is salivation and difficulty in passage of food, progression of the malignant process appears regurgitation and dull pain. In cancer of the antrum of the stomach, vomiting of food eaten the day before, with vomit have rotten smell. Cancer of the middle part of the stomach for a long time does not manifest itself with specific symptoms.

Symptoms of colon cancer

The most common symptom of rectal cancer is bleeding. Also about cancer of the rectum may indicate a disorder of bowel function, false urge to defecate, sensation of a foreign body in the rectum. On the malignant process may indicate pain and discomfort, because of which the patient may seek to sit on one side of the buttocks.

Symptoms of colon cancer

Colon cancer is seen in:

  • abdominal pain;
  • digestive disorders (rumbling or bloating, diarrhea and constipation).
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • the pus, blood or mucus with bowel movements.

The symptoms of cervical cancer

rak shejki matkiBefore the development of cervical cancer it undergo a prolonged precancerous process, which is hard to miss, if you regularly undergo preventive checkups at the gynecologist. Therefore, to prevent cervical cancer is easy: screening tests for precancerousthe process is quite affordable, and their treatments quite effective.

In the case if cervical cancer has evolved, it is manifest, first and foremost, bloody discharge from the genital tract (which may occur after sexual intercourse). In the later stages of cervical cancer highlighting acquire an unpleasant odor, which is due to tumor necrosis, may appear rectal bleeding, blood in urine and abdominal pain. Also characteristic of cervical cancer is swelling of the lower limbs (unilateral).

Symptoms of prostate cancer

Typical symptoms of prostate cancer include:

  • blood in the urine;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • frequent urination;
  • difficulty in urination;
  • blood in the semen during ejaculation;
  • impotence;
  • pain in the perineum and pubis.

All of these symptoms does not necessarily indicate a malignant process, but are sufficient grounds to worry about their health and to seek medical attention.