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Osteolytic metastasis is the verdict?

metastazyCancer is a modern man an ordeal. This terrible diagnosis because of its deceit and a lack of knowledge divides life into "before" and "after". The fight against this disease, by itself, is heavy and laborious, very often exacerbated by the need for treatment of metastases – cancer cells that blood flow was distributed to other organs far from the primary tumor disease.

Metastases are attached to healthy organs and for a time, suppressed the immune system of the body, hidden. However, at some point, with more intensive metabolism, these cells begin to actively divide, forming multiple secondary tumor, to remove which, because of their huge number, impossible.

The reasons why metastases are striking in a body, not identified at this stage of studying the problem any one expert, however, it is known that malignancy in the prostate, lung, stomach, kidney, uterus, and mammary gland metastases are striking the spine, pelvis and can attach to other bones. Conventionally metastases in bone tissues are divided into two types.

Types of metastases to bones

Metastases, which form secondary tumor foci in the bone, differenziert depending on how much damage they cause to the tissue. There are the following two types:

  • Osteolytic metastases, also known as osteoliticakimi – the name of the cells of osteoclasts which dissolve old bone tissue, thus, updating the bones in a healthy body. In healthy, degeneration of cells of this type may distort the structure of bone tissues and lead to their destruction.
  • Osteoblastic metastases – the name of the cells of the builders of the bone, osteoblasts – attaching to the bone to form on her growths, contributing to the uncontrolled growth of bone tissue. This kind of modified cells osteosclerotic also referred to as metastases, because the condition characterized by increase in bone density, is called osteosclerosis.

In a healthy human body both of these cells are present in the required ratio, contributing to the timely growth of tissue and disposing of its old layers.

Diagnosis of the disease

tomografiyaMetastases can appear in almost since the development of the primary tumor, and can arise only in the later stages of the disease. Sometimes oncologists diagnose metastases simultaneously with the primary tumor lesion. It also depends on the stage of the disease, where the patient was at the time of referral to a specialist. To determine the appearance of metastasis at the initial stage of their education – a very difficult task, as blood tests and x-rays do not give any result. The most informative are the following diagnostic methods:

  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging.
  • The bone scan, in which the patient is intravenously injected radioactive isotope, which in effect accelerated metabolism of the affected cells, localized in the centers of these cells. This localization of the isotope is diagnosed with special instruments. However, because the metabolism increases and in some inflammatory diseases of the joints and bones, this analysis requires specifying laboratory tests.

In any case, the patient is diagnosed with a malignant tumor, after treatment should be regularly observed by a doctor with the aim of preventing recurrence and timely diagnosis of possible metastasis. It should also be very responsible to monitor their well-being that, in the case of metastasis, do not missdisturbing symptoms.

Symptoms of metastasis

ustalostThe exact symptoms corresponding to the occurrence of metastases can be determined. They can masquerade as other diseases. It is therefore an important vigilant not to miss their initial stage. Features symptoms depend on the type of cancer. Some common signs of occurrence of metastasis in the bones are:

  • Nausea, thirst, weight loss.
  • A slight increase in temperature.
  • Fatigue.
  • Numbness of the limbs and in the region of the peritoneum.
  • Problems with urination.
  • Increase in bone fragility and fractures.
  • Pain in the spine and the pelvis, the degree of intensity of which increases.

The treatment of the disease

Treatment of secondary lesions due to the symptoms of the disease and the peculiarity of its occurrence, including the nature of the primary tumor. Treatment can be aimed at full recovery of the patient, but in some cases, features of the disease are to expect a complete recovery impossible and the doctors tend to at least extend the life of the patient and to eliminate pain. The main methods of treatment of osteoblastic metastases and osteolytic degenerated cells are the following:

  • Hormonal agents.
  • Pain medication.
  • Radiation therapy.